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发布时间:2018-05-18 14:58

  本文选题:典当 + 典当行业 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“典当,是指当户将其动产、财产权利作为当物质押或者将其房地产作为当物抵押给典当行,交付一定比例费用,取得当金,并在约定期限内支付当金利息、偿还当金、赎回当物的行为”[1]。自国家商务部、公安部2005年第8号令颁布《典当管理办法》以来,典当行业的发展由无序转向规范,走上了快速、健康发展的快车道。作为国家特许经营质押和抵押典当业务的特殊企业法人,典当企业从事着一种以物为担保的资金借贷活动。近年来,典当以其小额、短期、简便、灵活等特点,较好地满足了中小企业及个人融资需求,成为我国以银行为主的主流融资市场的有益补充。然而,随着典当行业的快速发展,我国典当行业企业管理落后的问题、人才竞争激烈问题日益显现。目前大部分企业仍沿用传统的管理方式,缺乏科学的人力资源管理体系,尤其缺乏合理的薪酬制度,已经严重阻碍了典当企业的进一步发展。 选取A公司做为研究分析的对象,是因为A公司具有大部分典当行的特征,也具有比较典型的问题,随着典当行业日渐发展,面临来自行业内部与外部的竞争,传统的薪酬体系已经不能调动员工的积极性,已严重影响了典当企业的进一步的发展需求。本论文通过对国内外薪酬体系具有指导意义的理论的广泛研读,结合典当行业特点,深入分析A公司现有薪酬体系存在的问题,对现有组织结构优化后提出一套薪酬方案,为有效激励员工提供有针对性、合理性、科学性的指导。 本论文以A公司实际情况出发,深入剖析企业现有薪酬体系存在的问题,利用人力资源管理中有关薪酬设计的实践及理论,密切联系A公司未来的发展战略,设计一套新的薪酬体系。希望能在改善A公司薪酬管理现状的同时,为典当企业的薪酬管理研究提供一个生动的案例,为未来新设典当企业及准备进行薪酬制度改革的典当企业提供一些借鉴参考。 论文共分五章。第一章介绍论文研究背景、意义及相关文献综述;第二章介绍了典当行业A公司薪酬体系现状及问题分析;第三章介绍A公司薪酬体系优化方案;第四章介绍A公司薪酬体系实施保障及效果评估;第五章为研究结论和展望。
[Abstract]:"pawning means that a person who pawns his movable property or property rights as a material charge or his real estate as a thing to be mortgaged to a pawnbroker, pays a certain proportion of the cost, obtains the gold, and pays interest on the gold within the agreed period and recompense the gold, The act of redeeming. "[1] Since the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Public Security promulgated the "measures for the Management of pawn" in 2005, the development of the pawn industry has changed from disorder to norm, and has been on the fast track of rapid and healthy development. As a special enterprise legal person in the business of mortgage and mortgage pawn, pawnbroker is engaged in a kind of money lending activity guaranteed by goods. In recent years, pawnshop, with its small, short-term, simple, flexible and other characteristics, has better meet the financing needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, and has become a useful supplement to the mainstream financing market in China, which is dominated by banks. However, with the rapid development of pawnbroking industry, the problem of backward management in pawnshop industry in China, the fierce competition for talent has become increasingly apparent. At present, most enterprises still use the traditional management method, lack of scientific human resource management system, especially lack of reasonable compensation system, has seriously hindered the further development of pawn enterprises. Company A is chosen as the object of research and analysis because A company has the characteristics of most pawnshops and has more typical problems. With the development of pawnbroker industry, it faces competition from inside and outside the industry. The traditional salary system can not arouse the enthusiasm of employees, which has seriously affected the further development needs of pawn enterprises. Based on the extensive study of the theories that have guiding significance at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of pawn industry, this paper deeply analyzes the problems existing in the present compensation system of Company A, and puts forward a set of compensation scheme after optimizing the existing organizational structure. To effectively motivate employees to provide targeted, reasonable, scientific guidance. Based on the actual situation of company A, this paper deeply analyzes the problems existing in the present compensation system of the company, and makes use of the practice and theory of compensation design in human resource management, and closely relates to the future development strategy of company A. Design a new salary system. It is hoped that while improving the present situation of salary management in Company A, it can provide a vivid case for the study of salary management of pawn enterprises, and provide some reference for the new pawn enterprises and pawn enterprises preparing for the reform of salary system in the future. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background, significance and related literature review; the second chapter introduces the pawn industry A company pay system status and problem analysis; the third chapter introduces A company compensation system optimization scheme; The fourth chapter introduces A company's salary system implementation security and effect evaluation, the fifth chapter is the research conclusion and prospect.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 李平;企业薪酬设计原则[J];经营管理者;2003年02期

2 毛清华;张朝玉;齐经民;;中小企业薪酬留人对策分析[J];经济导刊;2007年11期




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