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发布时间:2018-05-19 13:06

  本文选题:住房保障水平 + 保障政策 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房保障水平在宏观层面上是一个国家或地区在一定时期内对住房保障的投入,可以体现该国家或地区住房保障制度的特点及实施情况。住房保障水平的影响因素的研究可以进一步为制定住房保障政策提供理论基础,并且通过对各个影响因素的分析,找出其内在关系、总结规律,对住房保障工作有一个清晰的把握。 本文从宏观的角度,通过理论结合实践的方法,就武汉市住房保障水平影响因素做了一下研究和探讨。首先界定研究对象、总结并梳理了与住房保障水平和住房保障水平影响因素有关的理论,具体包括社会保障理论、住房保障理论、住房梯度消费理论、供需理论以及房地产发展倒U曲线理论。其次列举住房保障水平影响因素,逐一进行定性分析并归纳为三类:国民经济发展水平影响因素、居民消费和居住水平影响因素和住房市场环境影响因素,运用R软件对相关数据分别进行主成分分析。最后,以武汉市为例进行了实证研究,并对武汉市住房保障水平的发展提出了政策及建议。 研究结果显示武汉市在一定时期内住房保障水平指数是波动逐步上升的趋势,其中国民经济发展水平指数的稳步上升趋势;居民消费及居住水平指数除了2010年略有下降其他均是稳步上升趋势;住房环境指数较其他指数而言其波动性很大,住房环境主要是受到商品房销售均价、房地产开发投资总额和住宅用地年供应量这三个因素的影响。因此政府在住房保障体系建设过程中,应该通过对住房保障影响因素进行统计分析从而掌握住房保障水平的发展情况,进而做出政策调整来进一步促进我国住房保障体系建设与发展。
[Abstract]:The level of housing security is the input of a country or region to housing security in a certain period of time, which can reflect the characteristics and implementation of housing security system in that country or region. The study of the influencing factors of housing security level can provide a theoretical basis for the formulation of housing security policy, and through the analysis of each influencing factor, find out its internal relationship, sum up the law, To housing security work has a clear grasp. From the macro point of view, through the method of combining theory with practice, this paper makes a study and discussion on the influencing factors of the housing security level in Wuhan. Firstly, it defines the research object, summarizes and combs the theories related to the housing security level and the influencing factors of the housing security level, including the social security theory, the housing gradient consumption theory, Supply and demand theory and real estate development inverted U curve theory. Secondly, this paper enumerates the influencing factors of housing security level, and makes qualitative analysis one by one and concludes them into three categories: the influencing factors of the level of national economic development, the influencing factors of residents' consumption and living level and the factors affecting the housing market environment. Principal component analysis (PCA) of related data was carried out with R software. Finally, taking Wuhan as an example, this paper makes an empirical study, and puts forward some policies and suggestions on the development of housing security level in Wuhan. The results show that the index of housing security level in Wuhan is a rising trend of fluctuation in a certain period of time, in which the level of national economic development index is rising steadily. Except for the slight decline in 2010, the index of consumption and living level of residents has a steady upward trend; the index of housing environment is more volatile than other indices, and the housing environment is mainly affected by the average price of commercial housing sales. Total investment in real estate development and residential land supply of these three factors. Therefore, in the process of building a housing security system, the government should make a statistical analysis of the factors affecting housing security in order to grasp the development of the housing security level. Then make the policy adjustment to further promote the construction and development of our housing security system.


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