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发布时间:2018-05-19 15:53

  本文选题:ERP + 神华集团 ; 参考:《内蒙古财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,信息化技术已经渗透到人们生活中的各个领域,小到餐馆的餐桌管理和记账,大到集团企业的财务管理都可以见到信息化的身影。ERP项目在企业的实施,已经成为改善企业管理、实现企业信息化,增强企业核心竞争力的重要措施。 ERP(企业资源计划)系统是先进制造技术的应用代表,其巨大的效用已为西方企业所证明,在国内部分企业应用过程中取得了良好成效。企业实施以ERP为代表的信息化工程可以弥补企业管理资源方面的不足,有效加强企业内部管理能力,整合企业组织结构,优化业务流程,同时可以把企业在经营管理方面的问题通过量化的数据表现出来,为企业管理者提供清晰和明确的指导性建议。据相关调查显示:85%以上的国外企业都在用ERP系统武装自身,ERP已经成为国外企业的商业管理不可或缺的手段。在国内,ERP系统在早期发展比较缓慢,但在2002年以后,ERP的普及率开始飞速的上升。国内ERP厂商的份额已经超过国外厂商,而且保持着一种良好的发展态势。 神华集团有限责任公司(简称神华集团)作为我国规模最大、现代化程度最高的煤炭企业和世界上最大的煤炭经销商,拥有21家子公司,生产煤矿62个,电厂,铁路公司,码头数家,在册员工21.15万,,体积庞大,机构繁多,这就造成企业在内部管理方面面临严峻的挑战。近年来,由于国家对可再生能源支持力度加大,房地产管控逐渐严厉,造成企业主要业务—煤炭的生产和销售受到巨大影响,所以集团在对外寻求新的利润增涨点的同时,对内部管控进行加强和深化的行动也在同步进行,以确保企业能在危机到来时保持稳定有序的发展,把风险降到最低。 对于神华集团来说,业务及子分公司众多导致管理跨度很大,企业管理部门无法对生产经营活动进行直接的管理,只能通过子分公司管理部门对经营活动进行间接的监管和控制,这势必更多的依赖于内部控制机制的执行力度。内部控制机制的有效性直接影响集团业务的正常运行、资本的安全完整,以及对风险的管理能力。于此同时,在信息技术飞速发展的今天,普通的内控管理手段由于在时效性和直接性方面存在着先天的缺陷而逐渐被信息化手段替代。 ERP系统的实施即是企业信息化建设的一个环节,又是信息化社会发展的必然趋势。但是ERP系统在企业的实施并非一帆风顺。经研究表明,有接近六成的企业不能达到原来的预期,所以ERP对企业来说是机遇与威胁并存的高风险项目。神华集团管理层通过广泛的调研和深入的分析,采取了一系列措施来提高ERP系统应用的成功几率。 本文在学习和借鉴前人相关研究的成果的基础上,结合神华集团的实际情况,拟探索出一条适合企业ERP应用之路,也是本文写作的目的所在。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and computer technology, information technology has penetrated into every field of people's life, from restaurant table management and bookkeeping, The implementation of ERP project in enterprises has become an important measure to improve enterprise management, realize enterprise informatization and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is the representative of the application of advanced manufacturing technology. Its huge utility has been proved by western enterprises and has achieved good results in the application process of some domestic enterprises. The implementation of information engineering represented by ERP can make up for the shortage of enterprise management resources, effectively strengthen the internal management ability of enterprises, integrate the organizational structure of enterprises, and optimize business processes. At the same time, the problems in business management can be expressed through quantitative data to provide clear and clear guidance for enterprise managers. According to the related survey, more than 85% of foreign enterprises are arming themselves with ERP system, which has become an indispensable means of business management of foreign enterprises. In China, ERP system developed slowly in the early stage, but the popularization rate of ERP began to rise rapidly after 2002. The domestic ERP manufacturer's share has already surpassed the foreign manufacturer, and maintains one kind of good development tendency. Shenhua Group Co., Ltd. (Shenhua Group), as the largest and most modernized coal enterprise in China and the largest coal distributor in the world, has 21 subsidiaries, producing 62 coal mines, power plants and railway companies. Several docks, with 211500 registered employees, are large and numerous, which makes the enterprise face severe challenges in internal management. In recent years, because the state has increased its support for renewable energy and the real estate control has been gradually tightened, the production and sales of coal, the main business of the enterprise, have been greatly affected, so the group is looking for a new profit growth point at the same time. Actions to strengthen and deepen internal controls are also taking place simultaneously to ensure that companies can maintain stable and orderly development and minimize risks when a crisis strikes. For Shenhua Group, the large number of business and sub-branches has led to a very large span of management, and the enterprise management department is unable to directly manage the production and operation activities. Only through the management of the sub-branch of the indirect supervision and control of business activities, which is bound to rely more on the implementation of the internal control mechanism. The effectiveness of internal control mechanism directly affects the normal operation of group business, the safety and integrity of capital, and the ability of risk management. At the same time, with the rapid development of information technology, the common internal control management means is gradually replaced by information means because of the inherent defects in timeliness and directness. The implementation of ERP system is not only a link of enterprise information construction, but also an inevitable trend of the development of information society. But the implementation of ERP system in the enterprise is not smooth sailing. The research shows that nearly 60% of the enterprises can not meet the original expectations, so ERP is a high-risk project with both opportunities and threats. Through extensive research and in-depth analysis, the management of Shenhua Group has taken a series of measures to improve the chances of success in the application of ERP system. On the basis of studying and drawing lessons from previous related research results and combining with the actual situation of Shenhua Group, this paper intends to explore a suitable way for the application of ERP in enterprises, which is also the purpose of this paper.


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1 白海青;毛基业;;影响ERP成功应用的关键因素因果模型——上线后的视角[J];管理世界;2011年03期

2 王辉强,陈光会,陈彤;基于生命周期的ERP实施关键成功因素研究[J];西安工业学院学报;2005年03期




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