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发布时间:2018-05-22 07:50

  本文选题:房地产企业 + 绿色管理 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着可持续发展观的贯彻和绿色增长的扩展,社会公众对产品的环保、健康和安全要求也越来越高。在这样的背景下,企业产品的绿色化已经逐渐成为必然趋势。将绿色环保理念融入企业运营过程中以实现经济、社会和生态共赢的绿色管理也成为这种趋势下对企业的必然要求。房地产开发行业作为资源能源消耗大、废弃物多、污染严重且在国计民生中占有重要地位的行业,实施绿色管理的必要性和意义都十分重大。当前关于房地产企业绿色管理的研究,集中于实施绿色管理的驱动力以及绿色营销方面,论证了房地产企业实施绿色管理的必要性并分析了绿色营销策略,但对于绿色管理在房地产企业的实施过程研究较少。本文通过实证分析与案例分析相结合的方式对房地产企业实施绿色管理的关键因素进行分析,从理论和实践上都将非常有意义。 本文在对绿色管理基本内容、绿色管理评价、绿色管理实施的影响因素等相关文献进行回顾和分析的基础上,结合房地产企业的特点,分析了房地产企业实施绿色管理的关键成功因素,提出了相关假设,运用德尔菲法和因子分析进行了量表开发和验证,运用数据分析确定了关键成功因素的排序。 本文通过研究和数据分析得到以下结论:(1)战略因素、领导因素、财务因素、人力资源因素、技术创新因素和供应链管理因素是房地产企业绿色管理的关键成功因素;(2)在关键成功因素中,供应链管理因素、领导因素和战略因素尤为重要。在房地产企业绿色管理的过程中,企业尤其要对这三个方面给予持续不断的关注。本文在理论上丰富了房地产企业绿色管理的研究,在实践上也有助于推动房地产企业绿色管理的实施。
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and the expansion of green growth, the social public demands more and more environmental protection, health and safety of products. In this context, the green of enterprise products has gradually become the inevitable trend. The concept of green environmental protection is integrated into the enterprise operation process to achieve the green and economic win-win green. Management has also become an inevitable requirement for the enterprise. The real estate development industry is an industry with large resources, waste, serious pollution and important status in the national economy and people's livelihood. The necessity and significance of implementing green management is very important. The current research on the green management of real estate enterprises is focused on the implementation of the real estate industry. In the driving force of green management and green marketing, the necessity of implementing green management in real estate enterprises is demonstrated and green marketing strategy is analyzed. But there is little research on the implementation process of green management in real estate enterprises. This paper carries out green management in real estate enterprises through the combination of empirical analysis and case analysis. The analysis of the key factors will be very meaningful both theoretically and practically.
Based on the review and analysis of the relevant documents, such as the basic content of green management, the evaluation of green management and the influencing factors of the implementation of green management, this paper analyzes the key success factors of the implementation of green management in real estate enterprises by combining the characteristics of real estate enterprises, and puts forward the relative hypothesis, and makes use of Delphy Fa and factor analysis. Scale development and validation. Data analysis was used to identify the ranking of critical success factors.
Through the research and data analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) strategic factors, leadership factors, financial factors, human resource factors, technological innovation factors and supply chain management factors are the key success factors in the green management of real estate enterprises; (2) in the key success factors, the supply chain management factors, leading factors and strategic factors are particularly heavy. In the process of green management of real estate enterprises, enterprises should give continuous attention to these three aspects. This paper enriches the research on the green management of real estate enterprises in theory, and in practice also helps to promote the implementation of the green management of real estate enterprises.


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