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发布时间:2018-05-22 12:20

  本文选题:巢湖流域 + 生态系统健康 ; 参考:《安徽师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着社会经济和城市化迅速发展,巢湖流域生态环境逐渐恶化,人类活动对生态系统的干扰越来越显著,影响生态系统健康状况,要实现人口、资源、环境的协调发展,势必要对巢湖流域生态系统健康状况进行研究,从而制定保护和改善巢湖流域生态环境的相关工作和政策,为巢湖流域生态系统的保护和恢复具有重要意义。 本文在分析相关文献的基础上,结合巢湖区域的实际特点和数据的可获得性,结合指标选取原则,选取土地压力(土壤垦殖率、化肥农药施用强度)、人口压力(人口干扰度、人口密度)、水资源压力(水资源利用强度)、污染物排放压力(废污水排放强度、氨氮排放强度、COD排放强度)、生态弹性度、多样性指数、破碎度指数、植被覆盖度均值指数、产品提供、土壤保持量、总氮总磷负荷、水源涵养量、人均GDP、土壤侵蚀指数、森林覆盖率共计20个指标,建立压力-状态-响应生态系统健康评价指标体系;并以巢湖流域各县市行政区划作为评价单元,本文基于主观评价和客观评价相结合的基础上,并在遥感和地理信息系统技术的支撑下对巢湖流域生态系统健康进行综合评价,并反映巢湖流域近十年来生态系统健康状态的时空变化情况,在巢湖流域的可持续发展方向上给予理论支持。研究结果表明: (1)2010年巢湖流域生态系统健康状况较好,评价等级为二级,2010年生态系统健康等级为优良和较差的均有1个评价单元,均占总数的11.11%;健康较好的有3个,占总数的33.33%;健康一般的有4个,占总数的44.44%;属于健康一级区、健康状况优良的是舒城县,属于二级健康区、健康状况相对较好的包括巢湖市、无为县、含山县,属于三级健康区、健康状况一般的包括肥东县、肥西县、和县、庐江县。属于四级健康区、健康状况相对较差的评价单元是合肥市。 (2)巢湖流域西北部合肥市是区域经济发展中心,生态系统健康状况最差,西南部的舒城县属于山区,经济落后,人口密度小,干扰活动少,生态系统健康状况最好。 (3)自2000年至2010年生态系统健康状况变差的评价单元有6个,占评价单元个数的66.67%,包括肥东县、巢湖市、庐江县、含山县、和县、舒城县;生态系统健康状况变好的评价单元有3个,占总评价单元个数的33.33%,包括合肥市、肥西县、无为县;2000-2010年,从巢湖流域整体来看,巢湖流域生态系统健康状况在十年间,处在先有所改善,后下降的状态;总体趋势是在不断恶化中,在随着经济发展和社会进步,巢湖流域城镇化建设和房地产开发对建设用地需求较大,但是通过耕地转化为建设用地显然是不可取的,巢湖流域存在围湖造田,滥砍滥伐等现象,不仅造成了水域面积和林地面积的减少,而且不利于生态系统稳定。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy and urbanization, the ecological environment of Chaohu Lake Basin has gradually deteriorated, and the disturbance of human activities to the ecosystem has become more and more significant. The coordinated development of environment is bound to study the health status of Chaohu Lake basin ecosystem, so as to formulate relevant work and policies to protect and improve the ecological environment of Chaohu Lake basin, which is of great significance for the protection and restoration of Chaohu Lake basin ecosystem. Based on the analysis of relevant literature, combined with the actual characteristics of Chaohu Lake region and the availability of data, combined with the principle of index selection, the paper selected the land pressure (soil reclamation rate, fertilizer and pesticide application intensity, population pressure (population interference degree), Population density, water pressure (water use intensity), pollutant discharge pressure (waste water discharge intensity, ammonia nitrogen discharge intensity, COD emission intensity, ecological elasticity, diversity index, fragmentation index, vegetation coverage mean index, Product supply, soil conservation, total nitrogen and phosphorus load, water conservation, per capita GDP, soil erosion index and forest cover were 20 indexes, and a pressure-state-response ecosystem health evaluation index system was established. Based on the combination of subjective evaluation and objective evaluation, and supported by remote sensing and GIS technology, this paper evaluates the ecosystem health of Chaohu Lake basin. It also reflects the temporal and spatial changes of ecosystem health in Chaohu Basin in the past ten years, and provides theoretical support for the sustainable development of Chaohu Lake Basin. The results show that: 1) in 2010, the ecosystem health status of Chaohu Lake basin was good, and the evaluation grade was second grade. In 2010, there was one evaluation unit for both excellent and poor ecosystem health grade, which accounted for 11.11% of the total, and 3 of them had better health. Accounting for 33.33% of the total; there are 4 cases of general health, accounting for 44.44% of the total; belong to the health first class area, the good health condition is Shucheng County, belong to the second class healthy area, the relatively good health condition includes Chaohu City, Wuwei County, Hanshan County, Belong to three-level health areas, general health including Feidong County, Feixi County, Hexian County, Lujiang County. Belongs to the four-level healthy area, the health condition relatively poor appraisal unit is Hefei city. (2) Hefei city in northwestern Chaohu basin is the center of regional economic development, the ecosystem health condition is the worst, and the southwestern Shucheng county belongs to the mountainous area, the economy is backward, the population density is small, the disturbance activity is less, and the ecosystem health condition is the best. (3) from 2000 to 2010, there were 6 assessment units, accounting for 66.67% of the evaluation units, including Feidong County, Chaohu City, Lujiang County, Hanshan County, Hexian County, Shucheng County; There are three assessment units for the improvement of ecosystem health status, accounting for 33.33% of the total number of evaluation units, including Hefei, Feixi and Wuwei counties from 2000 to 2010. From the perspective of the Chaohu Basin as a whole, the health status of the Chaohu Basin ecosystem has been in the past ten years. In a state of improvement and then decline, the overall trend is that with economic development and social progress, urbanization and real estate development in the Chaohu Lake basin are in greater demand for construction land. But the conversion of cultivated land to construction land is obviously not desirable. There are phenomena such as reclaiming land around the lake and deforestation in Chaohu Lake basin, which not only reduce the area of water area and forest land, but also are not conducive to the stability of ecosystem.


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