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发布时间:2018-05-24 08:37

  本文选题:开发商 + 服务 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国的房地产市场仅有20多年的历史,它的发展一直伴随着发展、规范、再发展、再规范。改革开放以来,特别是1998年进一步深化城镇住房制度改革以来,伴随着城镇化的快速发展,中国的房地产业得到了快速发展。2010年,为遏制一些城市房价过快上涨的势头,国务院三次部署调控工作。特别是当年4月《国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知》印发后,房地产市场出现了积极的变化。2011年国务院办公厅于1月26日印发了《关于进一步做好房地产市场调控工作有关问题的通知》(即国8条),至今每年政府都不断强调对房地产行业坚持调控。 自2011年,房地产业“良莠分化”的特征越来越明显。政府为了防范房地产行业的风险,在土地的供应、开发和销售等环节上必然提高准入条件并加强监管,这对小开发商或不注重管理和品质的开发商来说,将是致命的。良好的企业品牌、服务品质不仅在营销方面存在较大优势,融资、人才、成本、产品等多方面都受到有利的影响,房地产开发企业由产品型向服务型地产转型也是必然的趋势。 通过对世纪地产公司的进行经营分析,找出限制世纪地产公司跨地区发展存在的瓶颈问题及其在客户服务方面存在的不足之处。通过有效诊断制订世纪地产公司向服务型地产公司转型的对策。通过制订转型目标,实施转型对策,使企业获得的发展优势及动力让世纪地产公司能步入到一个良性、快速发展的阶段。
[Abstract]:China ' s real estate market has only 20 years of history , its development has been accompanied by the development , standardization , re - development and re - regulation . Since the reform and opening - up , especially since 1998 , in order to curb the rapid development of urban housing prices , China ' s real estate industry has been rapidly developing . In 2010 , in order to curb the rapid increase in housing prices in some cities , the State Council has made positive changes . In 2011 , the General Office of the State Council issued a circular on the issue of further strengthening the regulation and control of real estate market .

Since 2011 , the characteristics of the property industry ' s " good crop differentiation " become more and more obvious . In order to prevent the risk of the real estate industry , the government will inevitably improve the access conditions and strengthen the regulation in the supply , development and sale of land . It will be fatal to small developers or developers who do not pay attention to management and quality . Good corporate brands and service quality are beneficial not only in terms of marketing , financing , talents , cost , products , etc . , but also the transformation of real estate development enterprises from product type to service - oriented property .

Through the analysis of the operation of the real estate company in the first century , the paper finds out the bottle - neck problem of the cross - regional development of the real estate company in the first century and its shortcomings in customer service . By developing the transformation goal , implementing the transformation countermeasure , the development advantage and the power of the enterprise can be brought into a stage of benign and rapid development .


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3 张福顺;;房地产市场品牌化发展的必然性分析[J];山西建筑;2008年32期

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5 刘玉录;;中国房地产金融发展趋势12条[J];中国房地产金融;2010年09期




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