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发布时间:2018-05-25 13:13

  本文选题:房地产开发 + 商品房销售 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的不断发展,房地产业俨然已成为经济发展不可或缺的组成部分,作为对国计民生有重要影响的综合价值高的产业,它具有自身的产业特点,一方面,对于社会经济的发展具有很强的敏感性,受经济发展的影响较大;另一方面,它又属于收益与风险均在高位的产业,而且受很多不确定因素影响。正是基于这种自有的产业特点,因而风险管理对房地产项目的开发经营具有重大的影响,甚至决定着开发经营的成败。为此,要实现房地产项目开发经营过程中的风险管理,应当在整个项目开发的不同阶段,科学地评估和判断各种风险,将在各阶段可能产生的变化趋势、因素、以及各种风险状态等情况进行预测,事前采取一定的合理措施,为提高房地产开发经营效益,将各个阶段可能存在的风险尽量降低。而整个开发过程中的销售环节,对于房地产开发企业尤为重要,因为它关系到房地产开发企业商业利益的实现,以及能否在消费者中树立良好的企业声誉。由此,笔者发现,对销售环节的法律风险管理研究,对于房地产开发企业具有很强的现实意义,同时也有助于房地产市场的有序发展。 自上世纪90年代以来,商品房销售经历了热销—滞销—理性销售的这样一个过程,房地产市场竞争日益激烈,特别是自2003年以来,随着宏观层面上的经济政策、土地限制政策、银行贷款政策等限制政策的颁布,在房地产开发、建设、销售、物业管理的各个环节,都使房地产开发企业面临综合实力和规范运营能力的全面、严峻的考验,这些考验均可对应为相关的法律风险,而这些法律风险又属于系统性风险,往往使房地产开发企业“一着不慎,满盘皆输”。因此,更加理性和稳健将成为整个房地产业风险管理的新变化。 然而,房地产项目的开发经营包括众多环节,无论是项目前期的市场分析、项目选址、项目分析与设计、资金筹集、项目用地申请、土地招拍挂、及可能的房屋拆迁,还是中后期涉及的建设工程招投标、工程施工、房地产营销与策划、物业服务等等,各环节都是相互联系的,这是一个动态且复杂的过程,此过程中存在各种风险。风险大致可简单归纳为以下四方面:①宏观经济调控的风险;②项目开发的法律风险;③市场变化的风险;④不可抗力风险。四个风险中,除法律风险外,其余三个风险都是房地产开发企业无法控制的,仅能作事先预测并尽可能地避免它发生。从一定程度上看,法律风险是最容易控制和防范的,但也是最有可能发生的风险。尽管大部分房地产开发企业不希望各种法律风险发生,可是任何一个房地产开发企业,只要在房地产市场中运作,那么,就会不无例外的需要面对各种法律风险。 法律风险是房地产开发企业多种经营风险中最易被忽视的一种风险,在此,有必要提醒房地产开发企业在经营中,特别是在销售环节中注意识别法律误区与盲点,以防范法律风险的发生,避免纠纷,减少损失。在整个房地产开发经营流程中具有不同的阶段,首先,是项目立项、土地出让、办理规划许可等前期一系列工作;其次,是工程建设具体实施阶段,即工程的勘察、设计、施工;再次,是商品房的交易(含预售和现售);最后是物业管理。房地产开发企业在各阶段所面临的风险均是不相同的,但在操作层面的法律风险,主要集中于工程建设实施阶段与商品房交易阶段。 房地产销售并非是相对稳定且静态的,恰恰相反,这个过程具有相当的复杂性。因此,销售过程中,房地产开发企业应该对整个销售环节进行多角度的审视与把控,同时,需要积极充分地发挥风险管理的作用,对销售过程中存在和可能发生的风险予以评估、分析、处理,树立有效的风险防范意识,建立安全高效的风险防范机制,这样才能使房地产开发企业妥当地处理相应的风险,从而在激烈的市场上处于更有利的地位,最终顺利实现商业目的。鉴于房地产行业资金密集型、开发周期长、政策因素影响大等特点,如忽略房地产销售过程中存在或潜在的风险管理,后果不堪设想,轻者致使房地产开发企业面临重大经营危机,重者可能直接导致企业面临生存问题。但是,从目前我国房地产开发的现状看,大部分房地产开发企业均面临一个较为严峻的问题,即忽略具体环节的管理问题,将精力主要着眼于开发。尤其是对具体环节的风险管理工作忽略过多,主要体现在风险管理的意识淡薄、理念落后,这将不利于防范、处理此过程中的各种风险,可能致使整个项目最终的商业价值无法实现,进而导致项目开发失败。从另外一个角度看,房地产开发企业注重销售过程中的风险管理,特别是法律风险管理,则显得更为重要。 经过调研发现,对房地产开发经营的研究中,主要的研究领域集中于开发经营流程中的工程建设,以及项目开发中涉及的融资与税务等问题,譬如关于土地管理制度的比较研究、房屋征收补偿与诉讼救济、建设工程施工合同的法律操作、房地产项目融资法律风险管理等等,而对于销售环节中存在的各中风险的识别、分析,却少有研究,特别是法律风险防范与管理更是少有人涉及。结合所学以及自身工作经验,加上对相关法律法规及政策的调研,笔者欲从房地产项目开发现状及背景出发,以法律风险管理等基本术语的概念着手,根据实际案例与相关法律法规,以销售前期准备、销售过程、销售后期为时间脉络,将房地产开发企业在销售过程中存在的法律风险进行梳理并分析,让房地产开发企业即开发商对销售环节中存在的法律风险有更清晰的认识,提高其在该环节的法律风险管理意识,也为提高房地产开发企业在销售环节中的法律风险管理水平尽一份绵薄之力。 随着经济快速发展以及改革开放的不断深化,房地产开发企业想要在激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地,就必须注重在销售环节中的法律风险管理,制定有效的防范机制,明确企业的方向和目标,才能使企业在整个经营活动中有条不紊的稳步前进。值得一提的是,房地产销售环节在整个房地产项目开发经营过程中的作用和地位己显而易见,注重在此环节中的法律风险管理,对于房地产开发企业具有十分重要的意义。一方面,可以增强企业的风险意识与管理水平,使得经营管理更加科学、有效,减少不必要的纠纷;另一方面,通过效率的提高亦使企业的经济效益得到无形的提升,使得企业管理模式得到升华,这无疑是对企业自身核心竞争力的建设。为此,笔者在学习研究参考文献的基础上,再结合自身工作经验,对房地产开发企业在销售环节中面临的法律风险问题进行研究,在材料选择方面,注重法律风险管理与有关法律法规及现实案例的结合,强调房地产开发企业在销售环节中的法律风险管理,应当当重视对相关法律法规的熟悉与利用,这样,才能将法律风险管理落实到具体工作中。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of China's economy, the real estate industry has become an integral part of the economic development. As an industry which has an important impact on the national economy and the people's livelihood, it has its own industrial characteristics. On the one hand, it has a strong sensitivity to the development of the society and economy, and is greatly influenced by the economic development; the other is the other. On the other hand, it belongs to the industry with high income and risk, and is influenced by many uncertain factors. It is based on its own industrial characteristics, so the risk management has a great influence on the development and management of real estate projects, and even determines the success or failure of the development and management. Risk management should scientifically evaluate and judge various risks in the different stages of the whole project development, forecast the possible changes, factors, and various risk states that may arise at each stage, and take certain reasonable measures to improve the benefits of real estate development and management, and make the possible risks in each stage. The whole development process is particularly important for the real estate development enterprises, because it is related to the realization of the commercial interests of the real estate development enterprises and the good corporate reputation of the consumers. Therefore, the author finds that the research on the legal risk management of the sales links is for the real estate development enterprises. It has a strong practical significance, but also contributes to the orderly development of the real estate market.
Since the 90s of last century, the sale of commercial housing has experienced a process of hot selling, unselling and rational selling, and the competition in the real estate market is increasingly fierce, especially since 2003. With the macro level of economic policy, land restriction policy, bank loan policy and other restrictive policies, the real estate development, construction, sales, and materials have been developed. All aspects of the industry management make the real estate development enterprises face the comprehensive strength and the standard operation ability of the comprehensive, severe test, these tests can correspond to the relevant legal risks, and these legal risks are systematic risks, and often make the real estate development enterprises "inadvertent, all over the world". Therefore, more rational and stable. The athletes will become a new change in the risk management of the whole real estate industry.
However, the development and management of the real estate project includes many links, whether it is the market analysis in the early stage of the project, the location of the project, the analysis and design of the project, the fund raising, the application of the project land, the hanging of the land, the possible demolition of the house, the construction project bidding, the construction of the project, the real estate marketing and planning, and the property service. And so on, each link is interrelated, this is a dynamic and complex process, and there are various risks in this process. The risk can be roughly summed up in the following four aspects: (1) the risk of macroeconomic regulation and control; (2) the legal risk of the development of the project; (3) the risk of the market change; (4) the irresistible risk. Among the four risks, the division law Outside the risk, the other three risks are uncontrollable by real estate developers and can only be predicted in advance and avoid it as much as possible. To a certain extent, legal risk is the easiest to control and prevent, but it is the most likely risk. Although most real estate developers do not want various legal risks, but Any real estate development enterprise, as long as it operates in the real estate market, will face all kinds of legal risks without exception.
Legal risk is one of the most easily neglected risks in the various business risks of real estate development enterprises. It is necessary to remind real estate development enterprises to recognize the misunderstandings and blind spots in the operation, especially in the sales link, in order to prevent the occurrence of legal risks, avoid disputes and reduce losses. There are different stages, first of all, project projects, land transfer, planning permission and a series of previous work; secondly, the concrete implementation stage of the project construction, that is, the engineering investigation, design, construction; again, the commercial housing transactions (including pre sale and present sale); finally the property management. Real estate development enterprises in various stages of the face of the real estate industry. The risks are different, but the legal risks at the operational level are mainly concentrated in the stage of construction implementation and commercial housing transactions.
Real estate sales are not relatively stable and static. On the contrary, the process is quite complex. Therefore, in the process of sales, the real estate development enterprises should take a multi angle survey and control on the whole sales link. At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the role of wind insurance management, and the existence and possible occurrence of the sales process. Risk assessment, analysis, processing, establish an effective risk prevention awareness, establish a safe and efficient risk prevention mechanism, so that the real estate development enterprises can properly deal with the corresponding risks, thus in the fierce market in a more favorable position, and ultimately the successful realization of commercial purposes. In view of the real estate industry capital intensive, The development cycle is long and the policy factors are greatly influenced, such as ignoring the existence or potential risk management in the process of real estate sales, the consequences can be unimaginable. The light causes the real estate development enterprises to face a major business crisis. The heavy ones may directly lead to the existence of the enterprises. The real estate development enterprises are faced with a more serious problem, that is to ignore the management problems of specific links and focus their attention on the development. In particular, the overlook of risk management in specific links is overlooked, which is mainly reflected in the weak awareness of risk management and the backward concept. This will not help to prevent and deal with all kinds of risks in this process. As a result, the final commercial value of the whole project can not be realized, which leads to the failure of the project development. From another point of view, the real estate development enterprise pays more attention to the risk management in the process of sales, especially the legal risk management.
Through the investigation, it is found that in the research of real estate development and management, the main research areas are focused on the construction of the project in the development and management process, as well as the financing and tax issues involved in the project development, such as the comparative study of the land management system, the compensation for housing expropriation and litigation relief, and the legal operation of the construction contract of the construction project. Real estate project financing legal risk management and so on, and the identification and analysis of the risks existing in the sales link, but few research, especially the legal risk prevention and management are less involved. Combined with the study and own work experience, and the relevant legal regulations and policies, the author wants to develop the real estate project. Starting from the current situation and background, starting with the concept of basic terms such as legal risk management, according to the actual cases and relevant laws and regulations, the legal risks existing in the sale process of real estate development enterprises are combed and analyzed, and the real estate development enterprises are the developers, that is, the real estate development enterprise, that is the developer, according to the actual cases and relevant laws and regulations. There is a clearer understanding of the legal risks existing in the sales link, and the awareness of the legal risk management in this link is raised, as well as a modest effort to improve the level of the legal risk management of the real estate development enterprises in the sales link.
With the rapid development of the economy and the deepening of reform and opening up, the real estate development enterprises want to be in an invincible position in the fierce market competition. They must pay attention to the legal risk management in the marketing link, make effective prevention mechanism, clear the direction and target of the enterprise, and make the enterprise orderly in the whole business activities. It is worth mentioning that the role and position of real estate sales in the whole development and management of real estate project has been obvious. It is of great significance for the real estate development enterprise to pay attention to the legal risk management in this link. On the one hand, it can enhance the risk awareness and management level of the enterprise, and make it make sure that the enterprise's risk awareness and management level can be strengthened. The management of the camp is more scientific and effective, reducing unnecessary disputes; on the other hand, through the improvement of efficiency, the economic benefit of the enterprise can be improved invisible, and the enterprise management model is sublimated. This is undoubtedly the construction of the core competitiveness of the enterprise. To make a study of the legal risks faced by the real estate development enterprises in the sale link, and to select the material choice, pay attention to the combination of legal risk management and the relevant laws and regulations and actual cases, and emphasize the legal risk management of the real estate development enterprises in the sales link, and should pay attention to the familiarity with the relevant laws and regulations. In this way, we can carry out legal risk management into concrete work.


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5 彭杏芳;;房地产企业品牌策略浅析[J];现代商业;2010年06期




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