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发布时间:2018-05-25 14:35

  本文选题:物业行业 + 员工离职 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着房地产行业的迅速发展,物业管理作为房地产项目接管投入使用的后续运作维护行业,也同样经历了快速的发展历程。在重庆,自从1991年成立了第一家物业管理公司至今,重庆的物业管理行业已发展成为拥有近1700家专业企业,有着近30万从业人员的市场规模。同时,越来越多的物业服务企业从原有的简单保安、保洁、报事维修等基础服务,逐步发展到系统化、注重“质”的层面的提升阶段,更多的注重品质化、品牌化发展。一线品牌物业企业由于紧随其地产母公司的规模化扩张,对员工数量和质量上的需求均逐年递增。然而,该行业却存在员工主动离职率长期居高不下、对外员工招聘愈发困难、愿意进入服务性行业的员工趋于减少等现象,这成为了困扰各大品牌物业企业发展的严峻问题。因此,在行业内部企业间竞争越来越激烈的大背景下,如何降低企业内部的员工主动离职率成为目前管理中亟待解决的重要问题。 本文首先从公平理论、激励理论、人力资源管理成本、员工职业生涯管理等与员工离职控制研究相关的理论知识上进行了阐述和分析,并对近年来国内外专家学者对于影响员工离职因素及控制对策的文献阅读中发现,在组织中员工工作满意度的高低决定了员工离职倾向的高低,一旦外部条件具备,极易出现员工离职行为。因此,本文以工作满意度和离职倾向为视角,通过对S物业公司近200名在职员工进行问卷调查,希望通过工作满意度、离职倾向这两组数据从员工层面上的分析出造成员工对工作不满意,从而产生离职倾向的因素,为制定企业离职率控制对策提供依据。 在问卷调查的基础上,利用统计分析软件SPSS19.0对数据进行分析。首先,通过因素分析对调查数据进行分类和降维,得出影响S物业公司员工满意度的主要维度有三个:企业文化、职业生涯规划、薪酬性价比。其次,通过均值分析,得出个人特征对离职倾向及其影响因素的差异性。最后通过相关分析,揭示员工满意度影响因素和离职倾向相关程度,分析结果表明:企业文化、职业生涯规划、薪酬性价比与员工离职倾向存在显著负相关关系。 本文在对S物业公司员工离职影响因素的分析基础上,提出应对员工离职的控制对策:首先,从员工职业生涯规划方面,利用企业的规模扩张来创造有效的员工职业发展路径;其次,进行“宽带薪酬”制度改革,解决晋升瓶颈;再次,企业培训中树立“谦逊但不谦卑”的职业观念,运用行业的影响力转变对服务从业者的偏见,更要重视专业化内容的培训以提高员工专业化素质;同时,企业要加强文化建设,通过“员工关怀”等项目,提高员工满意度。最后,通过完善的制度,降低恶意离职带来的不良影响。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, property management, as a follow-up operation and maintenance industry, has also experienced a rapid development process. In Chongqing, since the establishment of the first property management company in 1991, the property management industry in Chongqing has developed into a nearly 1700 professional enterprises with nearly 300000 employees in the market. At the same time, more and more property service enterprises from the original simple security, cleaning, newspaper maintenance and other basic services, gradually developed to systematization, pay attention to the "quality" level of upgrading stage, more attention to quality, brand development. Because of the large scale expansion of the real estate parent company, the demand for employee quantity and quality is increasing year by year. However, there exists the phenomenon that the rate of active turnover of employees is high for a long time, the recruitment of foreign staff is becoming more difficult, and the number of employees willing to enter the service industry tends to decrease, which has become a serious problem puzzling the development of major brand property enterprises. Therefore, under the background of more and more fierce competition among enterprises within the industry, how to reduce the rate of employee turnover becomes an important problem to be solved urgently in the current management. Firstly, this paper expounds and analyzes the theory of fairness theory, incentive theory, human resource management cost, employee career management and employee turnover control. In recent years, experts and scholars at home and abroad for influencing factors and control measures for staff turnover literature reading found that the level of employee job satisfaction in the organization determines the level of turnover intention, once the external conditions are available. Employee turnover is very easy to occur. Therefore, from the perspective of job satisfaction and turnover intention, this paper makes a questionnaire survey on nearly 200 in-service employees of S property Company, hoping to pass through job satisfaction. From the analysis of employee level, the two groups of data of turnover intention make the employee dissatisfied with the work, and then produce the factor of turnover intention, which provides the basis for formulating the countermeasures of controlling the turnover rate of the enterprise. On the basis of questionnaire survey, the data are analyzed by using the statistical analysis software SPSS19.0. First of all, through factor analysis to classify and reduce the dimension of the survey data, it is concluded that there are three main dimensions that affect the employee satisfaction of S property company: corporate culture, career planning, salary performance and price ratio. Secondly, by means analysis, the difference of personal characteristics on turnover intention and its influencing factors is obtained. Finally, through the correlation analysis, the paper reveals the influencing factors of employee satisfaction and the degree of relevance of turnover intention. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between corporate culture, career planning, salary performance-price ratio and employee turnover intention. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of employee turnover in S property Company, this paper puts forward the control measures to deal with employee turnover: firstly, from the aspect of employee career planning, we use the scale expansion of the enterprise to create an effective path of employee career development; Secondly, we should reform the "broadband compensation" system to solve the bottleneck of promotion. Thirdly, we should set up a professional concept of "humility but not humility" in enterprise training, and use the influence of the industry to change the bias against service practitioners. At the same time, enterprises should strengthen cultural construction and improve employee satisfaction through projects such as "employee care". Finally, through the perfect system, reduces the bad influence which the malicious resignation brings.


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