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发布时间:2018-05-26 02:24

  本文选题:房屋租赁 + 房地产市场 ; 参考:《档案与建设》2014年06期

[Abstract]:Under the condition of market economy, as a way of real estate investment, housing lease is paid more and more attention by people. The form of house lease is flexible and diverse, and its function of adjusting and filling the real estate market has shown its unique vitality. Housing leasing archives is an important basic work of real estate management. It plays an active role in mastering the information of the housing rental market in time and doing a good job in the macro-control of the real estate market. First, the establishment and perfection of housing leasing archives is the need of the development of the real estate market. The archives generated in the lease management work have two basic management documents, leasing contracts and housing registration and filing, according to statistics
【作者单位】: 南京市房地产市场管理处;


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1 马志春 ,苏桂秀 ,吕静 ,王月;房屋租赁档案的归档范围[J];兰台世界;2004年12期

2 ;信息快递[J];湖北档案;2003年Z1期

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1 付凌云;武宁地税局分类建立出租屋电子档案[N];中国税务报;2006年

2 唐玉智;阿克苏地区村级档案工作“多管齐下”[N];中国档案报;2009年

3 本报实习记者 冯倩 编译;美国民间艺术博物馆深陷经营困局[N];中国文化报;2010年




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