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发布时间:2018-05-26 13:12

  本文选题:房地产开发 + 项目风险 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放三十余年来,房地产行业飞速发展也几经波折,市场过热、政策限制就像两只巨手不停搅动房地产行情忽冷忽热忽高忽低,近几年的房地产开发企业犹如在巨浪中颠簸,时而跃上波峰,时而抛入谷底。房地产行业的综合性强、专业技术要求高、项目周期长,与此同时,资金投入、回报以及风险也都非常高。房地产项目在推进的过程中,往往存在诸多有形和无形的风险,例如:投资风险、经营风险、财务风险、政策风险等等。房地产项目开发以及经营过程中众多因素的影响致使其具有不确定的特性,尤其在现阶段我国房地产市场发育还不完善,政策法规也不健全、交易信用缺失、资源配置严重失衡等因素给房地产企业带来了更大的风险。正是因为高风险,所以房地产企业的风险管理不能等同于一般企业的风险管理,如果没有对房地产项目开发各个阶段所存在的风险进行深入而透彻的分析和判断,没有提前设定预案对风险进行防范和管控,那么项目失败的可能性将非常大,甚至直接影响到企业的生存。 项目风险防范和控制的前提是对风险准确的识别和判断,而风险识别和判断的基础又来源于系统的风险管理理论。本论文根据项目风险管理的理论知识,运用相适应的分析方法,对HW公司正在开发的鸿景雅园房地产项目进行项目风险管理的研究,对项目的风险进行有效的识别以及准确的定性定量的风险分析和评价,并依此进行项目风险规划、制定风险管理的防范措施和应对策略。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, the real estate industry has experienced several twists and turns. The market is overheated. Policy restrictions are like two giant hands that constantly stir the real estate market. In recent years, real estate development enterprises seem to be bumping in the waves, sometimes jumping to the peak, sometimes throwing into the bottom. Real estate industry is comprehensive, professional and technical requirements, long project cycle, at the same time, capital investment, returns and risks are also very high. In the process of promoting real estate projects, there are many tangible and intangible risks, such as investment risk, management risk, financial risk, policy risk and so on. The development of real estate project and the influence of many factors in the process of management make it have uncertain characteristics, especially in the present stage, the development of real estate market in our country is not perfect, the policies and regulations are not perfect, and the transaction credit is missing. Serious imbalance in resource allocation and other factors have brought greater risks to real estate enterprises. It is precisely because of the high risk that the risk management of the real estate enterprise cannot be equated with the risk management of the general enterprise. If there is no thorough and thorough analysis and judgment of the risks existing in each stage of the development of the real estate project, If the risk is prevented and controlled without setting the plan in advance, the possibility of project failure will be very large, and even directly affect the survival of the enterprise. The premise of project risk prevention and control is to identify and judge the risk accurately, and the foundation of risk identification and judgment comes from the systematic risk management theory. According to the theoretical knowledge of project risk management, this paper studies the project risk management of Hongjingya Garden real estate project which is being developed by HW Company, using the appropriate analysis method. The risk of the project is identified effectively, the risk is analyzed and evaluated accurately and qualitatively and quantitatively, according to which the project risk planning is carried out, and the preventive measures and countermeasures of risk management are formulated.


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