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发布时间:2018-05-27 05:33

  本文选题:保障性住房 + 公共租赁住房 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着国家对经济适用房、廉租房、限价房和棚户区改造力度的逐渐加大,一些中低收入群体的住房困难问题得到了初步解决。但仍有一部分中等偏下收入住房困难家庭,即暂时没有实力通过市场购买或租赁住房,这部分群体主要指一些暂时没有能力购买市场上的商品房、限价房和经济适用房,同时也达不到廉租房条件,因此享受不到保障住房的人群。随着我国城镇化的快速发展,刚毕业的大学生、新就业人员和外来务工人员的居住条件亟需得到有效改善。加大公共租赁住房的供给,不仅能有效解决城市中低收入群体的住房困难问题,还可以引导居民进行合理的住房消费,对调控房价和稳定房地产市场起到了不容忽视的作用。因此需要大力加强公共租赁房的供给,使其发挥预期的效用。但在实践中公共租赁房的供给仍存在很多问题,本文在对公租房供给存在的问题进行系统的分析的基础上,提出一些解决的对策,希望可以对政府提供公共租赁房工作提供一些参考。 本文的结构是由五个部分来组成,第一章主要讲了选题背景以及意义、国内外文献综述。第二部分主要讲了保障性住房主要类型、产生背景及发展现状。第三部分主要讲了公共租赁住房现状。首先讲述了公共租赁住房的概念以及特征;然后说明北京和重庆的公共租赁住房发展现状及可以借鉴的经验;最后讲述了公共租赁房发展比较成熟的韩国目前的发展和实践情况,然后分析对我国公租房工作的实施可以提供的一些参考。本文的核心是第四章与第五章的内容。第四章主要讲述了目前我国公租房供给存在的一些问题:供给主体单一、供给规模没有达到社会需求的水平、融资困难、政府面临很大的财政压力和土地供给不足等问题。第五章在第四章的基础上提出了问题的解决对策:建立多元化的公租房供给主体、扩大公租房的覆盖面和建设规模、扩宽融资渠道和创新公共租赁住房的土地供给方式。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increase of comfortable housing, low-rent housing, price-limited housing and shantytown renovation, the housing difficulties of some low-income groups have been preliminarily solved. However, there are still some families with moderate and lower income housing difficulties, that is, they do not have the power to purchase or rent housing through the market for the time being. This group mainly refers to some commercial housing, price limited housing and comfortable housing, which are temporarily unable to purchase commercial housing on the market. At the same time also do not achieve low-rent housing conditions, so can not enjoy the housing security of the population. With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the living conditions of newly graduated college students, new employees and migrant workers need to be improved effectively. Increasing the supply of public rental housing can not only effectively solve the housing difficulties of urban low and middle income groups, but also guide residents to reasonable housing consumption, which plays an important role in regulating housing prices and stabilizing the real estate market. Therefore, we need to strengthen the supply of public rental housing, so that it can play the expected effect. However, in practice, there are still many problems in the supply of public rental housing. Based on the systematic analysis of the problems in the supply of public rental housing, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problems. I hope to provide some reference for the government to provide public rental housing work. The structure of this paper is composed of five parts. The first chapter mainly discusses the background and significance of the topic, literature review at home and abroad. The second part mainly describes the main types of affordable housing, background and development. The third part mainly talks about the current situation of public rental housing. Firstly, the concept and characteristics of public rental housing are described, then the present situation of public rental housing in Beijing and Chongqing and the experience that can be used for reference are explained. In the end, the author describes the current development and practice of public rental housing in South Korea, and then analyzes some references to the implementation of public rental housing in China. The core of this paper is the content of chapter four and chapter five. The fourth chapter mainly describes some problems existing in the supply of public rental housing in our country at present: the supply main body is single, the supply scale does not reach the social demand level, the financing difficulty, the government faces the very big financial pressure and the land supply insufficiency and so on. The fifth chapter puts forward the solutions to the problems on the basis of the fourth chapter: establishing diversified public rental housing supply main body, expanding the coverage and construction scale of public rental housing, widening financing channels and innovating the land supply mode of public rental housing.


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1 李克强;;大规模实施保障性安居工程 逐步完善住房政策和供应体系[J];求是;2011年08期

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1 申颖;廉租房建设中的PPP融资模式研究[D];首都经济贸易大学;2012年




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