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发布时间:2018-05-27 07:40

  本文选题:建筑物区分所有权 + 共有权 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:建筑物区分所有权,是当今各国民事立法普遍确认的一项不动产所有权制度。我国内地自上世纪90年代开启住房商品化改革,通过福利分房、集资建房等方式,原属单位的住房,,所有权发生变化,归属个人所有;同时也使得原来被障蔽的建筑物区分所有权凸显出来。发展到今天,住房商品化、建筑小区化、住宅高层化将建筑物区分所有权推到极致,一栋建筑物同时拥有多个所有权人,其内部的所有权结构也呈现多元化。 近年来随着房地产市场的蓬勃发展,各大城市高楼林立,物业管理行业也获得了发展机遇,各地区的物业管理企业数目庞大。不过物业管理企业的服务质量和服务人员的专业水平、道德素质参差不齐,很大一部分服务人员没有经过专业的培训或对物业管理体制并不了解,在实务中直接导致了业主和物业服务企业的纠纷。我国《物权法》采用三元论说,即业主的建筑物区分所有权是指业主对区分所有建筑物享有专有部分所有权、共有部分所有权以及因共有关系所生的成员权所组成的特别所有权。建筑物区分所有权的权利客体划分为专有部分和共有部分,确定建筑物区分所有权权利体系内容的基本前提,首要便是划分权利客体是属于专有部分还是共有部分。 建筑物区分所有权围绕权利客体,即专有部分及共有部分为中心展开。专有权是整个建筑物区分所有权的核心,共有权为专有权的实现提供保障,而因共有关系而成的成员权则协调共有部分的管理、使用及收益、维修。共有权的基础在于共有部分,共有部分的价值在于将全部专有部分串联在一起,是各个专有部分连接的桥梁。共有部分的纠纷有别于一般矛盾纠纷,共有部分的利益归全体业主共有,这种利益的共同性使得矛盾的一方当事人不局限于单一业主,共有部分涉及的纠纷多种多样,例如管理权纠纷、共有部分收益纠纷等等,归责与处理的难度可想而知。本文以建筑物区分所有权中共有部分的相关立法及争议焦点为研究对象,通过规范研究,采用定性分析和比较分析方法,分析现有问题的成因、立法制度的缺失,并提出解决对策。本文共分为五章,其概要内容如下: 第一章,建筑物区分所有权共有部分的概念。从建筑物区分所有权基础理论切入,对共有部分的概念进行界定。以共有部分和公摊部分的概念为比较分析对象,目的是为了明晰共有部分的概念,避免共有部分的概念和其他概念混淆。 第二章,建筑物区分所有权共有部分的范围。首先通过对法律法规的具体概念进行逻辑分析和语义分析,结合立法机关的立法初衷、立法期待与客观实际,确定共有部分的范围及其划分标准。其次以划分标准为依据,对实务中争议较大的所有权客体分析定性。 第三章,建筑物区分所有权共有部分的管理。本章论述了共有部分管理方式的选择,管理困境的成因和共有部分收益的权属及分配。着重分析业主组织结构和表决程序的不合理之处。 第四章,建筑物区分所有权共有部分的维修。本章在我国住宅专项维修资金相关立法基础上,以长春地区的专项维修资金管理办法及实施细则为具体研究对象。分析住宅专项维修资金使用难问题的成因,并提出应急维修方案的设想。 第五章,我国建筑物区分所有权制度的完善建议。借鉴香港地区业主立案法团的管理模式,及其业主自治的成熟经验。提出设想和建议以期解决共有部分的纠纷,弥补我国建筑物区分所有权和物业管理法律制度的不足。
[Abstract]:Ownership of buildings is a real estate title system universally recognized by the civil legislation of our country . In the mainland of China , the reform of housing commercialization has been opened in the 1990s , and the housing , ownership and ownership of the original units are changed by welfare and fund - building .
At the same time , it also makes it clear that the original barrier is distinguished from ownership . It has been developed to today , the housing commercialization , the building community , the high - rise residential building distinguish ownership of the building to the extreme , a building also has a plurality of owners , its interior ownership structure also presents the diversification .

In recent years , with the vigorous development of the real estate market , the property management industry in the high buildings of each big city has also gained the opportunity of development , and the property management enterprises in all regions are huge . However , the property management enterprises are not familiar with the quality of service and the professional level and moral quality of the service personnel .

This paper analyzes the causes of existing problems , the absence of legislative system and puts forward a solution to the problem . The paper is divided into five chapters .

In chapter one , the concept of ownership shared part of building is distinguished . The concept of common parts is defined from the basic theory of building distinction . The concept of common parts and public parts is compared and analyzed . The aim is to clarify the concept of common parts and avoid confusion of common parts and other concepts .

In the second chapter , the scope of ownership sharing is divided into three parts . Firstly , through the logical analysis and semantic analysis of the specific concept of laws and regulations , the scope of the common parts and the dividing criteria are determined by combining the original intention , the legislative expectation and the objective reality of the legislative organs .

The third chapter discusses the management of the ownership sharing in the building . This chapter discusses the selection of the common partial management mode , the causes of the management predicament and the ownership and distribution of the common partial income . The unreasonable places of the structure and voting procedure of the owner are emphatically analyzed .

In chapter four , the building is divided into three parts of maintenance . In this chapter , based on the relevant legislation of special maintenance funds in China , this chapter focuses on the management of special maintenance funds in Changchun area and its implementation rules . It analyzes the causes of the difficult problem of the use of special maintenance funds and puts forward the idea of emergency repair scheme .

In chapter 5 , the suggestions for the perfection of the system of ownership of buildings in our country are proposed . We should draw lessons from the management model of owners ' corporations and the mature experience of owners ' autonomy in Hong Kong . We propose the ideas and suggestions to solve the disputes in common parts , and make up for the deficiency of the legal system of distinguishing the ownership and property management of buildings in our country .


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