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发布时间:2018-05-27 14:20

  本文选题:房地产市场 + 金融调控 ; 参考:《武汉理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:从中共十四大确立了开始建设社会主义市场经济体制以来,我国房地产市场发展突飞猛进。但是近年来的房价急剧飙升,对经济利益的投机性逐利行为,也衍生的社会成本与资源浪费,极大的降低了人们的幸福感。 房地产业作为我国重要的经济支柱,,其首要作用是其能强有力的推动经济发展,也为政府的运作带来稳定的财政收入,其次解决了民生住房的刚性需求。鉴于我国房地产行业走向市场化的发展历程较短,再加上行业本身具有很强的周期性,其交易量与价格波动幅度相对较大,市场机制还有许多待规范以及完善。为了保证房地产经济的长远繁荣发展,需要政府通过综合各种宏观与微观相结合的调控手段对房地产市场进行调配控制和监督管理。在政府的各种调控中,有关金融调控的法律制度是最基础且最有效的手段之一,就长远发展而言,法律制度将在很长一段时间内都将是政府调控房地产市场的主要工具手段以及重要保障。 笔者认为应当适度干预房地产市场,防止过度的市场投机行为进而破坏房地产市场正常的秩序,金融调控相关主体法律责任问题,金融调控相关主体利益平衡的问题,金融调控差别化问题以及住房限购令穷尽救济原则等问题。 因此,本文通过对住宅市场化以来我国房地产市场金融调控中的法律制度的发展历程和中央政府对地产行业采取金融调控效果进行分析和总结,旨在分析我国房地产市场金融调控法律制度存在的诸问题,在借鉴并分析国外房地产市场金融调控的有益经验和深刻教训的基础上,对目前我国的房地产市场金融调控提出了相应对策和一些切实可行的建议。
[Abstract]:Since the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the construction of socialist market economy system, the real estate market of our country has developed by leaps and bounds. However, in recent years, the house price has soared sharply, the speculative profit-seeking behavior to the economic benefit, the social cost and the waste of resources derived from it have greatly reduced people's happiness. As an important economic pillar of our country, the primary function of real estate industry is that it can promote economic development strongly, and also bring stable financial revenue to the operation of government. Secondly, it solves the rigid demand of housing for people's livelihood. In view of the fact that the development of the real estate industry in China is relatively short, and the industry itself has a strong periodicity, its trading volume and price fluctuate relatively large, and the market mechanism still needs to be standardized and perfected. In order to ensure the long-term prosperity and development of the real estate economy, it is necessary for the government to control and supervise the real estate market by synthesizing all kinds of macro and micro control measures. Among all kinds of government regulation and control, the legal system of financial regulation and control is one of the most basic and effective means. In terms of long-term development, The legal system will be the main tool and guarantee for the government to regulate the real estate market for a long time. The author thinks that we should intervene in the real estate market appropriately, prevent excessive market speculation and destroy the normal order of the real estate market, the legal responsibility of the related subjects in financial regulation and control, and the problem of balancing the interests of the relevant subjects in the financial regulation and control. The difference between financial regulation and control and the principle of exhaustion of housing purchase restriction. Therefore, this paper analyzes and summarizes the development of the legal system in the financial regulation and control of the real estate market since the housing market and the effect of the central government on the financial regulation and control of the real estate industry. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems existing in the legal system of financial regulation and control in China's real estate market, and on the basis of reference and analysis of beneficial experiences and profound lessons of financial regulation in foreign real estate markets, This paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and some feasible suggestions on the financial regulation of the real estate market in China.


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