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发布时间:2018-05-28 00:00

  本文选题:小产权房 + 新兴古典经济学 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2014年3月,国土资源部和住建部联合发出通知,要求全面叫停小产权房,总建筑面积已超7.6亿平方米的小产权房也再度成为人们关注的热点。然而,建立在农村集体土地上的小产权房并不符合我国现行法律的规定,小产权房问题也应牵扯多方利益而愈加复杂。 小产权房普遍存在并不断发展的现实情况下,我们审视的视角就不应只停留在现有法律条文的字面意义上了。小产权房与一般商品房由于土地制度产生价格差异来满足人们的不同需求,而人们更倾向于购买价格低的小产权房,所谓“大”与“小”产权正是差在土地的产权问题当中。因此,我们试图透过商品房与小产权房在市场中所表现出的不同价格的现象,研究小产权房建房行为在资源配置过程中的效率问题。 小产权房建设过程中使用的资源分为两类:土地资源与非土地资源,因而研究小产权房对资源的配置效率分为对土地资源的效率研究和对非土地资源的效率研究。假定商品房与小产权房对非土地资源的利用效率是相同的,因此本文的研究范围界定为小产权房对土地资源配置的效率研究。我们将从另一个视角——新兴古典经济学的分工理论,运用超边际分析方法比较小产权房与一般商品房对土地资源的配置效率,首先通过建立三个决策者的超边际模型证明完全分工的生产效率高于非完全分工的生产效率;其次,从各自开发过程中对土地的利用方式,证明小产权房与商品房对土地的使用方式分别属于完全分工结构和非完全分工结构;最后,在上述两点的基础上得出结论:小产权房对土地的使用效率高于—般商品房对土地的使用效率。 接着,本文通过对成都市小产权房现状的实际调研,发现成都市小产权房价格是同地段商品房价格的30%—50%。更进一步地,建立Hedonic实证模型,通过去除其他影响房地产价格的因素,发现小产权属性对住宅价格影响明显,且成反向变化。这表明,在市场机制下,价格负反馈机制必然会自发调节资源配置,最终达到价格的一致和市场的均衡。这也再次证明,非完全分工结构会向完全分工的结构演进,从而达到一般均衡,提高整个经济的效率。因此,建立起城乡统一的建设用地市场和合理的农村土地流转体系,让市场决定资源的配置显得尤为重要。
[Abstract]:In March 2014, the Ministry of land and resources and the Ministry of housing and construction jointly issued a notification that small property houses were called to stop in an all-round way. The small property houses with a total building area of over 760 million square meters have become the focus of attention again. However, the small property houses built on the rural collective land are not in accordance with the provisions of the current laws of China, and the problem of small property rights houses should also be involved. Many interests and more complex.
Under the reality of the existence and continuous development of the small property right house, we should not only look at the literal meaning of the existing legal provisions. The price difference between the small property right house and the general commodity house to meet the different needs of the people because of the land system, and people are more inclined to buy small property houses with low price, so called "the house of small property right". Therefore, we try to study the efficiency of house building behavior in the process of resource allocation through the phenomenon of different prices in the market of commodity houses and small property houses.
The resources used in the construction process of small property right house are divided into two types: land resources and non land resources. Therefore, the research on the allocation efficiency of small property right house is divided into the efficiency of land resources and the efficiency of non land resources. The scope of the study is defined as the efficiency of the allocation of land resources by the small property right house. We will use the theory of the division of labor of new classical economics from another perspective and compare the efficiency of the allocation of land resources by the small property right house and the general commodity house by using the method of the hyper marginal analysis. First, it is proved through the establishment of the super marginal model of three decision-makers. The production efficiency of the whole division of labor is higher than that of the non complete division of labor. Secondly, from the use of land in the development process, it is proved that the use mode of the small property right house and the commercial housing to the land belongs to the complete division structure and the incomplete division of labor structure respectively. Finally, the conclusion is drawn on the basis of the above two points: the small property house to the soil The efficiency of land use is higher than that of commercial housing.
Then, through the actual investigation of the current situation of small property house in Chengdu, it is found that the price of small property right house in Chengdu is 30% to 50%. in the same lot, and the Hedonic empirical model is established. By removing other factors that affect the price of real estate, it is found that the property of small property right has an obvious influence on the housing price, and it has a reverse change. This shows that under the market mechanism, the price negative feedback mechanism will spontaneously regulate the allocation of resources and ultimately achieve the agreement of price and the equilibrium of the market. It is also proved that the structure of the non complete division of labor will evolve to the structure of the complete division of labor, thus achieving the general equilibrium and improving the efficiency of the whole economy. Therefore, the construction of the unified urban and rural areas will be established. Land market and reasonable rural land transfer system make the market decide the allocation of resources is particularly important.


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