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发布时间:2018-05-28 04:27

  本文选题:商业地产 + 价值链 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国商业地产起步较晚,但随着社会经济的高度发展和城市化进程的加快,我国为商业地产的迅猛发展提供了良好的市场环境。近几年,受整体宏观经济环境和国家出台的政策法规对住宅房地产行业的影响,住宅开发商纷纷转型进入商业地产领域,以图在商业地产市场分得一杯羹。由于住宅开发商并未充分认识并理解商业地产集的特性(集地产开发、商业运营、资本运作为一体),导致目前商业地产发展过程中存在不少问题。本文以价值链理论为依据,通过构建和分析商业地产价值链,对目前国内商业地产运营模式进行了分析,并提出了不同环境下商业地产的运营模式。 本文的文章结构如下:第一章:绪论。此章重点叙述本文的研究背景、研究目的及研究意义,阐述了本文的主要研究内容,理清了全文的总体研究思路,提出了整片文章的框架构成,最后对本文的研究方法和手段进行了详细介绍。 第二章:理论综述。本章主要分为两个部分,第一部分是商业地产的界定,提出了什么是商业地产,介绍了商业地产运营模式的类型,重点分析了商业地产与住宅地产的区别,并对目前国内商业地产的运营模式进行了简单介绍;第二部分是商业地产的发展,介绍商业地产的发展历程,采用数据统计分析的方式介绍了国内商业地产的发展现状,并指出了目前商业地产所存在的问题。 第三章:商业地产价值链分析。首先,结合价值链理论,对商业地产价值链进行了构建,通过分析价值链中参与各方的行为分析,对商业地产价值链进行了优化。其次对商业地产运营模式的影响因素进行了分析,在此基础上对国内商业地产运营模式进行了价值链分析,梳理了各运营模式的价值链结构和开发商价值。 第四章:运营模式案例分析。首先对国内主流商业地产开发商的运营模式进行了简要介绍,综合上文价值链分析结果,总结了各运营模式的优劣。其次,根据上述案例分析,否定了纯出售运营模式,并提出了运营模式标准,即开发商在不同的环境下,可以根据自身实际情况选择适合的运营模式。 第五章:结论及建议。此章根据上章节的具体分析结果进行归纳,指出“纯出售”运营模式不可取,肯定了“持有型”运营模式。并针对目前商业地产所存在的问题,为商业地产开发商提出了相应的建议。
[Abstract]:China's commercial real estate started late, but with the rapid development of the social economy and the accelerated process of urbanization, China has provided a good market environment for the rapid development of commercial real estate. In recent years, the impact of the overall macroeconomic environment and the policies and regulations promulgated by the state on the residential real estate industry, housing developers have transformed into business in succession. In the field of real estate, a cup of commercial real estate market is drawn. Because the housing developers do not fully understand and understand the characteristics of the commercial real estate set (real estate development, business operation, capital transportation as a whole), there are many problems in the process of commercial real estate development. This paper is based on the value chain theory, through construction and analysis. The commercial real estate value chain analyzes the operation mode of domestic commercial real estate, and puts forward the operation mode of commercial real estate in different environments.
The structure of this article is as follows: Chapter 1: introduction. This chapter focuses on the background of the study, the purpose and significance of the study, expounds the main research content of this article, clarifies the overall research ideas of the full text, puts forward the framework of the whole article, and finally gives a detailed introduction to the research methods and means of this article.
The second chapter is a summary of the theory. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is the definition of commercial real estate. It puts forward what is commercial real estate, introduces the types of commercial real estate operation mode, analyzes the difference between commercial real estate and residential real estate, and gives a brief introduction to the operation mode of domestic commercial real estate; second parts. The development of commercial real estate is divided into the development of commercial real estate, the development of commercial real estate is introduced, the development status of domestic commercial real estate is introduced by means of data statistics and analysis, and the existing problems of commercial real estate are pointed out.
In the third chapter, the value chain of commercial real estate is analyzed. First, the value chain of the commercial real estate is constructed by combining the value chain theory. The value chain of commercial real estate is optimized by analyzing the behavior analysis of the parties involved in the value chain. Secondly, the influence factors of the commercial real estate operation model are analyzed, and the domestic commercial land is based on this. The value chain analysis of production operation mode is made, and the value chain structure and developer value of each operation mode are combed.
The fourth chapter: the operation mode case analysis. First, it briefly introduces the operation mode of the domestic mainstream commercial real estate developers, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each operation mode. Secondly, according to the above case analysis, it denies the operation mode of pure sale, and puts forward the operating mode standard, that is, the developers are different. Under the environment, we can choose the suitable operation mode according to our actual situation.
The fifth chapter: conclusions and suggestions. According to the specific analysis results of the previous chapters, this chapter points out that the "pure sale" operation mode is not advisable, affirms the "hold type" operation mode, and puts forward some suggestions for commercial real estate developers in view of the existing problems of commercial real estate.


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