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发布时间:2018-05-28 07:02

  本文选题:设计管理 + 设计总承包 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前,项目的设计管理已然成为一种新兴的管理方法。在房地产开发项目设计管理阶段引入成熟的管理方法,将对设计进程中的重要决策、资源合理优化及质量和成本控制起到举足轻重的作用。 本文通过参与建设的天津生态城研发大厦项目,站在开发业主的角度,对设计管理在项目前期和实施过程中的应用做浅显研究。本项目的设计成果是由建筑设计院完成的;其次作为地产开发公司的设计管理人员,在策化和设计过程中起沟通、协调、监控作用。因此在建设项目的整个设计运作过程中,地产开发公司如何介入,介入的深度,并且如何控制设计过程,充分发挥内部资源和外部资源的优势,是项目取得设计管理阶段成功的关键。从某种程度上说,项目的设计管理影响着项目目标的实现;如果前期的设计文件得不到有效控制,或者后续实施阶段,设计文件得不到贯彻,又或者执行过程中出现偏差,会给项目带来很大的影响,那又如何能保证上述目标的实现呢?建设项目全寿命周期包括项目的决策阶段、实施阶段和使用阶段。而项目的实施阶段包括设计准备阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、使用前准备阶段及保修期;招投标工作分散在设计准备阶段、设计阶段和施工阶段的相应过程中进行,因此可不用单独罗列招投标这个过程。 综述,设计管理是项目管理重要的组成部分之一,本文正是通过自己参与的研发大厦项目,就设计管理在项目实施过程中所发挥的作用,和实际的工作内容,进行一些浅显研究和交流,从而对设计管理有了更加深刻的认识。结合自身公司的性质以及项目运行的大环境,在执行研发大厦项目的过程中,强化了设计管理在项目前期的重要角色,因为设计阶段管理的好坏直接影响项目的质量;同时,设计管理又不是孤立于施工过程之外存在的,在施工过程又强化了设计管理工作,做到高效实施,及时总结,从而提高设计管理在项目实施过程中的效率,以达到项目的既定目标。由此看来,设计管理在整个项目生命周期中发挥着举足轻重的作用。
[Abstract]:At present, project design management has become a new management method. The introduction of mature management methods in the design and management stage of real estate development projects will play an important role in the important decision-making, rational resource optimization, quality and cost control in the design process. Based on the R & D building project of Tianjin Ecological City, this paper makes a simple research on the application of design management in the early stage and implementation process of the project from the perspective of the development owner. The design result of this project is completed by the architectural design institute. Secondly, as the design manager of the real estate development company, it plays the role of communication, coordination and monitoring in the process of strategy and design. Therefore, in the whole design and operation process of the construction project, how does the real estate development company intervene, how to control the design process, and how to give full play to the advantages of internal and external resources, This is the key to the success of the design management phase of the project. To some extent, the design management of the project affects the realization of the project objectives; if the design documents in the early stage are not effectively controlled, or if the design documents are not implemented in the subsequent implementation stage, or if there are deviations in the implementation process, Will have a great impact on the project, so how can we ensure the achievement of these goals? The whole life cycle of the construction project includes the decision-making stage, the implementation stage and the use stage of the project. The implementation stage of the project includes the design preparation stage, the design stage, the construction stage, the pre-use preparation stage and the warranty period; the bidding and bidding work is scattered in the corresponding process of the design preparation stage, the design stage and the construction stage. Therefore, it is not necessary to list the bidding process separately. In summary, design management is one of the important components of project management. This paper, through the R & D building project in which we are involved, discusses the role of design management in the implementation of the project, and the actual work content. Some shallow research and communication, thus has a more profound understanding of design management. Considering the nature of the company and the environment in which the project is run, the design management plays an important role in the early stage of the project, because the quality of the project is directly affected by the quality of the design phase, and in the process of carrying out the R & D building project, the design management plays an important role in the early stage of the project. The design management is not isolated from the construction process. In the construction process, it strengthens the design management work, achieves the high efficiency implementation, timely summary, thus enhances the design management in the project implementation process efficiency, To achieve the goals of the project. Therefore, design management plays an important role in the whole project life cycle.


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