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发布时间:2018-05-29 16:26

  本文选题:保障性住房 + 开发建设 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:吉林省自2006年开展保障性安居工程建设以来,在保障性住房的开发与建设方面取得了一定的成绩。但是,,目前吉林省保障性住房建设遇到了瓶颈,与一些保障性住房建设经验丰富的城市相比还存在一定的差距,因此寻找吉林省保障性住房建设的突破口显得尤为迫切。本文首先分析了吉林省保障性住房开发与建设的现状与存在的问题,其次对我国典型地区的保障性住房建设经验进行了详细的总结,最后提出了充分发挥国有企业在保障性住房建设过程中的作用等四个方面的建议与对策,为吉林省保障性住房开发与建设更好地发展提供了参考。 宏观上看,本文可分为四大部分,共六章内容。 第一部分为第1章,该部分明确了研究背景和选题的理论、现实意义,并对国内外学者关于保障性住房建设的现有研究进行了梳理。 第二部分为第2章,本章在实地调研数据的基础上对吉林省保障性住房建设现状进行了分析,具体包括资金、土地、质量和国企参与情况四个方面。资金方面,虽然吉林省的保障性住房建设投资金额近年来有了一定的增长,但是投资额占GDP的比例与全国平均水平相比仍有一定的差距;土地方面,保障性住房建设用地占国有建设用地的比例与我国保障性住房建设成绩突出的城市相比仍然偏低;质量方面,个别小区存在短时间入住后即发现建筑质量不过关的问题;国企参与方面,长春市的国有房地产开发企业对于本市的保障性住房建设参与度较高,但是业务范围有待向吉林省的其他城市扩展。 第三部分包括第3、4、5章。这部分通过横向整理各个典型城市的保障性住房建设经验,并将其按照资金、土地、质量进行重新整合,介绍了一些先进的经验和做法,以备作为吉林省完善自身建设模式的参考。第3章对典型城市保障性住房开发与建设的资金供给经验进行了阐述,采用主体分析法从投融资平台、政府、国有企业三个方面总结了典型城市的筹资经验。第4章介绍了典型城市的土地供给经验,从确保增量土地供给、有效利用存量土地和科学规划选址三个方面描述了典型城市的土地供给经验。第5章着眼于从房屋本身的建设、保障性住房小区建设以及小区周边的配套建设三个方面阐明了典型城市确保建设质量的相关措施。 第四部分为第6章,从国有企业、资金筹集、土地供应、建设质量四个方面提出了进一步完善吉林省保障性住房建设的政策建议。国有企业方面,按照国有企业从事业务与保障性住房建设的相关程度对企业进行划分,明确房地产开发、勘察设计、建材、工程建设等各类企业在保障性住房建设中应履行的社会责任。资金筹集方面,单纯依靠政府财政资金支持保障性住房建设的模式是不可持续的,因此应充分调动各方资源、创新融资路径,采取多元化融资手段支持保障性住房建设。土地供给方面,应确保增量土地及时、足额供给,盘活存量土地和房屋;建设质量方面,在保证房屋质量安全的同时还应进一步提升房屋室内及外观设计建设质量、小区设计建设质量和小区配套建设质量。
[Abstract]:Jilin Province has made some achievements in the development and construction of safeguard housing since the construction of safeguard housing project in 2006 . However , it is especially urgent to find out the current situation and existing problems in the construction of safeguard housing in Jilin Province .

On the macro view , this article can be divided into four parts , including six chapters .

The first part is divided into the first chapter , which makes clear the research background and the theory and realistic significance of the topic selection , and sorts out the existing research on the construction of affordable housing at home and abroad .

The second part is chapter 2 , this chapter analyzes the present situation of safeguard housing construction in Jilin Province on the basis of field investigation data , including four aspects : fund , land , quality and state - owned enterprise ' s participation .
In terms of land , the proportion of affordable housing construction land occupied by state - owned construction land is still low compared with the city with outstanding achievements in the construction of affordable housing in China ;
In terms of quality , there is a problem that the quality of the building is not related after a short time of check - in in individual cells ;
With the participation of state - owned enterprises , Changchun ' s state - owned real estate development enterprises have higher participation in the construction of affordable housing in the city , but the scope of business needs to be extended to other cities in Jilin Province .

The third part includes chapters 3 , 4 and 5 . In this part , some advanced experiences and practices are introduced in order to improve the construction model of typical cities . Chapter 3 introduces some advanced experiences and practices in order to be used as a reference for the improvement of self - construction model in Jilin Province . Chapter 3 introduces the experiences of land supply in typical cities from three aspects of investment - financing platform , government and state - owned enterprises . Chapter 5 focuses on the relevant measures to ensure the construction quality of typical cities from three aspects : construction of housing itself , construction of affordable housing and supporting construction in the periphery of the community .

The fourth part is divided into six chapters , from four aspects of state - owned enterprise , fund raising , land supply and construction quality .
In order to ensure the quality of the house , the construction quality of the house and the design and construction quality of the housing , the quality of the design and construction of the cell and the quality of the construction of the building should be further improved .


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