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发布时间:2018-05-29 21:54

  本文选题:战略管理 + 核心竞争力 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪90年代以来,企业核心竞争力开始成为企业管理尤其是战略管理研究和实践的新视角和新范畴。企业核心能力理论是当前管理学、经济学交叉融合的最新理论成果之一,日益受到企业管理理论界和实践界的关注。随着国际经济一体化和中国加入WTO,深珠江企业不仅面临着深圳市场消费主体、市场供求关系、消费者需求等方面的不断变化,而且还将面临国内其它企业和国外财团进入深圳市房地产市场抢滩竞争。市场竞争状况日趋激烈,要想从根本上提升深珠江企业的市场竞争力,在激烈的市场竞争中保持长期的竞争优势,打造和提高企业核心竞争力是深珠江企业的生存、发展的必由之路。 论文主要由六个部分组成:第一部分在分析我国及深圳市房地产市场的现状和发展趋势的基础上,提出了深珠江企业进行核心竞争力研究的必要性和紧迫性;第二部分主要介绍了企业核心竞争力理论的研究和发展现状,介绍了企业核心竞争力的相关概念并对核心竞争力国内外的主要理论观点进行简述;第三部分对深珠江企业核心竞争力的要素进行了分析,首先对深圳市房地产企业的业务流程进行剖析,介绍了房地产开发企业的业务子过程及职能子过程在企业中的作用,然后针对深珠江企业核心竞争力要素进行分析;第四部分主要对深珠江企业核心竞争力的评价进行分析,首先建立深珠江企业核心竞争力的评价模型,然后根据第三章要素分析的结果设计了深珠江企业核心竞争力的调查问卷,采用单因素方差分析法对调查结果进行数据处理,并对结果进行分析评价;第五部分主要针对第四章分析的结果提出对深珠江企业核心竞争力的改进措施,改进措施重点对构成深珠江企业核心竞争力的六个维度展开;最后的第六部分,对本论文进行了总结并提出了一些展望。 本论文采用价值链分析法,较完整、系统地界定了房地产企业的核心竞争力;同时比较科学地、全面地建立了一套适用于深珠江企业的评价分析工具,通过调查问卷的方式进行分析,提出了一些适用于深珠江企业核心竞争力开发、培育和保护的途径。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, the core competence of enterprises has become a new angle of view and a new category in the research and practice of enterprise management, especially strategic management. The theory of enterprise core competence is one of the latest achievements in the cross-integration of management and economics, which has been paid more and more attention to by the theory and practice of enterprise management. With the integration of the international economy and China's entry into the WTO, Shenzhen Pearl River enterprises are not only facing continuous changes in the aspects of Shenzhen market consumers, the relationship between market supply and demand, consumer demand, etc. And will also face other domestic enterprises and foreign consortia into the real estate market competition in Shenzhen. The market competition is becoming more and more intense. In order to improve the market competitiveness of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprises, to maintain the long-term competitive advantage in the fierce market competition and to build and improve the core competence of the enterprises are the survival of the deep Pearl River enterprises. The only way to development. The thesis consists of six parts: the first part is based on the analysis of the current situation and development trend of real estate market in China and Shenzhen, and puts forward the necessity and urgency of the research on the core competitiveness of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprises; The second part mainly introduces the research and development status of the core competence theory of enterprises, introduces the related concepts of the core competence of enterprises and briefly describes the main theoretical viewpoints of the core competence at home and abroad. The third part analyzes the elements of the core competitiveness of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprise. Firstly, it analyzes the business process of Shenzhen real estate enterprise, introduces the business sub-process of real estate development enterprise and the function of function sub-process in the enterprise. The fourth part mainly analyzes the evaluation of the core competence of the deep Pearl River enterprise, and establishes the evaluation model of the core competence of the deep Pearl River enterprise. Then, according to the results of factor analysis in Chapter 3, we design the questionnaire of the core competence of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprises, and use the single factor variance analysis method to process the data of the survey results, and analyze and evaluate the results. The fifth part mainly puts forward the improvement measures to the core competence of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprise according to the results of the fourth chapter. The improvement measures focus on the six dimensions that constitute the core competence of the deep Pearl River enterprise. Finally, the sixth part, This paper is summarized and some prospects are put forward. In this paper, the value chain analysis method is used to define the core competitiveness of real estate enterprises systematically, and a set of evaluation and analysis tools for deep Pearl River enterprises are established scientifically and comprehensively. Based on the analysis of questionnaire, this paper puts forward some ways to develop, cultivate and protect the core competence of Shenzhen Pearl River enterprises.


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