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发布时间:2018-05-29 22:11

  本文选题:货币供给 + 央行资产变化 ; 参考:《经济学动态》2017年07期

[Abstract]:The practice of reform and opening to the outside world has proved that the changes of money supply and economic growth have strong synchronism. In the stage of economic catch-up and overtaking, the money supply stimulates capital formation and promotes economic growth with "credit intermediary". The money supply structure reflects the rapid development of China's export-oriented economy, that is, foreign exchange accounts for the most important part of the central bank's assets. Determine the release of central bank money. After the new century, real estate has promoted the demand for money of asset mortgage. After entering the new normal, foreign exchange accounts for a steady decline, and the money supply relies on domestic short-term liquidity assets to create a hedge against the decline of long-term foreign exchange assets. The financial innovation promoted by "channel" has raised the monetary multiplier and credit leverage, but instead of optimizing the allocation of resources, it has increased the market volatility. It can be seen from this that as China's economy has entered a new stage of development, the money supply target should change from "fast and good" in the period of catch-up and overtaking to "seeking progress in a steady way" under the new normal, and basically it is necessary to gradually establish the central bank assets based on public debt. The macro-stabilization policy and management framework of monetary, fiscal and unified supervision are formed under the new normal to promote the economy to mature.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院经济研究所;


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