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发布时间:2018-05-30 16:14

  本文选题:中国古典园林要素 + 现代居住区景观设计 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城市化进程的不断加快,越来越多的人口涌向城市,同时农村城镇化的趋势也推动着居住区的开发与建设,居住区作为我们生活的直接空间,其环境的好坏对我们的生活质量起到极大的影响。随着社会经济的不断发展,物质生活水平的不断提高,人们对于居住环境关注度也在不断的提高,对居所空间和景观环境的舒适性也提出了更高的要求。对于居住环境的评比成为人们在选择住所时的首要考虑因素。因此,研究现代居住区景观环境、打造有吸引力的居住区环境已成为当代设计师涉及的必要课题。 在房地产行业风靡一时的“欧陆风格”在曾房地产行业形成了一定规模的影响,当时许多居住区呈现出千篇一律的风格,使得居住区失去了原本应有的独特性,在人们猎奇思想的影响下,这种风格曾受到许多人的青睐,然而,随着时间的变迁,人们对这种没有独特性的风格逐渐失去了兴趣,后来人们逐渐对于中式风格的居住区有了更大的兴趣,这些居住区多以我国传统历史文化为主题,同时结合了当地的历史文化,深含中国古典韵味的同时给人一种归属感。细细体会居住区的环境风格变化,我们发现居住区景观设计正朝着一个新的趋势在变迁。 中国古代园林,或称中国传统园林或古典园林。它历史悠久,,文化内涵丰富,个性特征鲜明,而又多采多姿,极具艺术魅力,为世界三大园林体系之最。如何继承和弘扬中华民族的优秀园林财富成为当今设计师的重要课题。本文的论述重点就在如何将古典园林在继承传统的同时进行创新,将中国古典园林的思想到构成要素加以剖析和再创作,综合一些设计成果作为案例对本次研究课题进行深入的探讨。
[Abstract]:With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, more and more people flock to cities, and the trend of urbanization in rural areas is also promoting the development and construction of residential areas, residential areas as a direct space for our lives, The quality of our life is greatly affected by the quality of our environment. With the development of social economy and the improvement of material living standard, people pay more attention to the living environment, and put forward higher requirements for the comfort of living space and landscape environment. The evaluation of living environment has become the primary consideration when people choose their residence. Therefore, the study of modern residential landscape environment and create attractive residential environment has become a necessary topic for contemporary designers. The "European style", which is popular in the real estate industry, has formed a certain scale influence in the real estate industry. At that time, many residential areas showed a uniform style, which made the residential areas lose their original uniqueness. Influenced by people's curiosity thinking, this style has been favored by many people. However, over time, people gradually lost interest in this ununique style. Later, people gradually became more interested in the Chinese style residential areas. These residential areas took Chinese traditional history and culture as the theme, and combined the local history and culture, which deeply contained the Chinese classical charm and gave people a sense of belonging. We find that residential landscape design is changing towards a new trend. Ancient Chinese gardens, or Chinese traditional gardens or classical gardens. It has a long history, rich cultural connotation, distinctive personality, and a variety of artistic charm, which is the most important garden system in the world. How to inherit and carry forward the excellent garden wealth of the Chinese nation has become an important topic for designers today. This paper focuses on how to carry on the innovation of the classical garden while inheriting the tradition, and to analyze and re-create the thought to the constituent elements of the Chinese classical garden at the same time. Synthesizing some design results as a case study of the subject of in-depth discussion.


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2 范静;老年族居住行为与室外环境设计[D];天津大学;2005年

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