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发布时间:2018-05-30 16:58

  本文选题:报纸 + 广告营销 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Newspaper advertising revenue is the main source of income to maintain the normal operation of the newspaper. Newspaper printing, publishing, and even employees' bonuses are covered by newspaper advertising. Can say, newspaper advertisement is the main economic factor that affects newspaper rise and fall. In recent years, under the influence of economy, politics, science and technology, the advertising revenue of newspapers all over the country, especially the local newspapers, has plummeted. This trend will continue for a period of time, and the newspaper advertising has ushered in a real winter. Phoenix Weekly has also been caught in a wave of falling advertising revenue since 2012, when advertising revenues were down by 50 points from a year earlier and nearly 70 points lower in the same period in 2013. Based on the actual situation of Phoenix Weekly newspaper and the local advertising market environment, this paper compares the data of newspaper development over the years and finds out the main reasons for the decline of advertising revenue. As the pillar industry of newspaper advertisement, the real estate and medicine industry is affected by the economic and political environment, the industry is depressed, and the amount of advertising investment is reduced, which leads to the decrease of newspaper advertising revenue. In the current economic and political environment, the Phoenix Weekly advertising revenue can not only be confined to the growth of advertising space, but media integration marketing. Organically combining the existing audience groups of newspapers with advertising clients, aiming at advertising clients such as real estate, automobiles, building materials, and so on, making use of online and offline activities to create advertising revenue, and targeting at advertisers such as medicine and finance. Use soft advertising to attract readers' attention and promote product sales. For tourism, business, food and other industries, the paper media and new media as the communication channel, can attract young readers, play a good communication effect. Based on the analysis of the advertising marketing environment of Phoenix Weekly newspaper, this paper sums up and summarizes the advertising marketing of newspapers by using the marketing theory of Porter Diamond and so on, so as to accurately position the market and screen out the advertising clients. Summed up a set of suitable for Phoenix Weekly newspaper advertising business integration marketing road. It is hoped that this can be used as a reference for prefectural and municipal newspapers.


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