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发布时间:2018-06-01 05:01

  本文选题:城市综合体 + 鹏城广场 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:如何对一个商务综合体或者一个超大城市综合体进行投资决策?综合体投资决策的关键点是什么?其与住宅投资决策的根本区别在哪?对于商业地产投资领域来说是一个急待研究的课题。 本文以郑州鹏城广场城市综合体项目为研究标的,详细分析了城市综合体项目的投资决策过程,不仅回答了“郑州市是一个可深耕长驻的城市?”和“郑州鹏城广场城市综合体值不值得投资?”二个投资决策问题,更为重要是总结出城市综合体投资决策的核心点。本文作者亲历投资决策的全过程,深切体味到城市综合体投资决策是一个大的系统工程,对于刚刚步入商业地产领域的鹏城集团而言,不亚于一次全新的革命。 鹏城集团开发住宅逾二十年,其成熟的产品线主导市场,以售为目的,追求高周转、高收益,住宅投资决策的关键点在于项目收益指标是否达到投资标准。 与此鲜明不同的,一个商业综合体、一个超大城市综合体投资决策的关键点在于定位是否准确,以持有为目的,倡导可持续发展。而构成综合体的各商业形态的定位与组合协同及其在未来五年、十年、以至二十年的生存与发展决定城市综合体的成败。用一句形象的话可以比喻“生孩子重要、更重要的是把孩子抚养成人”。 同时,本文投资决策结论是: 1、郑州市宏观经济环境平稳健康,房地产市场态势发展良好,郑州市是一个可深耕、可长期发展的城市,建议鹏城集团进驻郑州市。 2、本宗地是郑州市核心区域的稀缺资源,适宜打造高品质的城市级综合体,是展现鹏城品牌的极佳载体。宗地整体及各商业形态定位符合市场实际,且收益指标超过鹏城集团投资标准,建议鹏城集团投资郑州鹏城广场城市综合体项目。
[Abstract]:How to make investment decisions for a business complex or a large city complex? What is the key point of the complex investment decision? Where is the fundamental difference between the investment decision and the housing investment decision? It is an urgent subject to be studied in the field of commercial real estate investment.
In this paper, Zhengzhou Pengcheng Plaza City complex project as the research subject, detailed analysis of the urban complex project investment decision-making process, not only answer the "Zhengzhou is a deep ploughing city?" and "Zhengzhou Pengcheng square city complex is not worth the value of investment?" the two investment decision problems, more important is to sum up the city The core point of the investment decision of the city complex is that the author of this paper has experienced the whole process of investment decision making, and it is very strong that the investment decision of the urban complex is a big systematic project. It is no less than a new revolution for the Pengcheng group, which has just entered the field of commercial real estate.
Pengcheng group has developed a house for more than twenty years, and its mature product line dominates the market in order to sell for the purpose of pursuing high turnover and high income. The key point of the investment decision is whether the project income index can reach the investment standard.
Different from this, a commercial complex, the key point of a large city complex investment decision lies in the accuracy of positioning, holding for the purpose of sustainable development. The positioning and combination of the various commercial forms of the complex and its existence and development in the next five years, ten years and even twenty years decide the City complex. The success or failure of a match can be likened to the fact that "giving birth to children is more important and more important is raising children".
At the same time, the conclusion of the investment decision is as follows:
1, the macro economic environment of Zhengzhou is stable and healthy, the situation of the real estate market is developing well. Zhengzhou is a city that can be ploughed and developed for a long time. It is suggested that Pengcheng group enter Zhengzhou city.
2, this area is a scarce resource in the core area of Zhengzhou. It is suitable for building a high quality city level complex. It is the best carrier to show the brand of Pengcheng. The whole and the business form of the company conforms to the market reality, and the income index exceeds the investment standard of Pengcheng group. It is suggested that Pengcheng Group invest in Zhengzhou Pengcheng Plaza City complex project.


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