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发布时间:2018-06-01 12:59

  本文选题:实体经济 + 虚拟经济 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放三十年以来,我国的经济社会发展取得了巨大的成就,但实体经济同时也面临着转变经济发展模式,调整产业结构,缩小城乡差距等一系列挑战。在此形势下,如何发挥金融在促进经济增长中的作用,抑制房地产泡沫生长,促进区域实体经济与虚拟经济协调发展,对于我国保持经济的持续增长、促进经济发展转型具有重要意义。重庆作为我国西部地区唯一的直辖市,在西部地区和长江上游经济带的改革开放与经济发展中一直发挥着重要作用,在新一轮的西部大开放中拥有举足轻重的战略地位。然而,与全国多个地区一样,重庆也面临着一系列影响经济可持续发展的问题。对于处在经济发展转型关键期的重庆,思考如何在新形势下保证重庆实体经济与虚拟经济的协调发展对于重庆全面建设小康社会、实现国家的战略定位具有重要意义。 诸多的理论研究和各国发展实践证明了金融发展促进经济增长这一事实,但金融系统价值的虚拟性在与实体经济产生互动时也为实体经济泡沫埋下了伏笔。经验证明,虚拟经济若能与实体经济协调发展,它将是实体经济的“助推器”,,反之,虚拟经济将陷入泡沫破灭的困境,并对实体经济的发展产生巨大的打击。本文首先对现有的相关文献进行综述和评价,然后对实体经济与虚拟经济间的相互作用机理进行分析,阐释了实体经济对虚拟经济产生和发展的基础作用及虚拟经济通过资本集聚、资源配置、财富增长等效应对实体经济的反作用。再从总体规模、经济结构及发展效率等方面入手,对当前重庆实体经济和虚拟经济系统的运行状况进行经验分析,发现重庆的虚拟经济存在着银行垄断地位突出,金融结构不协调,金融资源区域配置不平衡等问题;实体经济则存在着投资拉动增长现象突出,产业结构不合理,区域发展不平衡及城乡收入差距不断扩大等问题。接着借鉴容量耦合系统模型原理,构建了重庆实体经济与虚拟经济的耦合协调度模型,实证结果表明重庆实体经济与虚拟经济的综合发展水平和协调程度虽不断提高,但总体水平依然偏低,提升空间较大;最后,基于上述分析,本文从壮大区域性金融机构、筹谋金融中心布局、引导金融资源优化配置、加强房地产业宏观调控及适度加强监管等方面着手,为重庆实体经济与虚拟经济的协调发展提出相应的建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, China's economic and social development has made great achievements, but the real economy is also faced with a series of challenges, such as changing the economic development model, adjusting the industrial structure, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, and so on. In this situation, how to play the role of finance in promoting economic growth, restrain the growth of real estate bubble, promote the coordinated development of regional real economy and virtual economy, for our country to maintain the sustained economic growth, It is of great significance to promote the transformation of economic development. As the only municipality directly under the Central Government in western China, Chongqing has always played an important role in the reform and opening up and economic development of the western region and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and has played a pivotal strategic role in the new round of western opening. However, like many regions in China, Chongqing also faces a series of problems affecting sustainable economic development. For Chongqing, which is in the critical period of economic development transition, it is of great significance to think about how to ensure the coordinated development of Chongqing's real economy and virtual economy under the new situation for Chongqing to build a well-off society in an all-round way and realize the strategic orientation of the country. Many theoretical studies and development practices in various countries have proved the fact that financial development promotes economic growth, but the fictitious nature of financial system value also lays the groundwork for the real economy bubble when it interacts with the real economy. Experience has proved that if the virtual economy can develop in harmony with the real economy, it will be the "booster" of the real economy. On the contrary, the virtual economy will fall into the dilemma of bubble burst and produce a huge blow to the development of the real economy. In this paper, the existing literature is reviewed and evaluated, and then the interaction mechanism between the real economy and the virtual economy is analyzed. This paper expounds the basic role of the real economy in the production and development of the virtual economy and the reaction of the virtual economy to the real economy through the effects of capital agglomeration, resource allocation and wealth growth. From the aspects of overall scale, economic structure and development efficiency, this paper analyzes the operation of Chongqing's real economy and virtual economy system, and finds out that Chongqing's virtual economy has a prominent monopoly status of banks. There are many problems in the real economy, such as uncoordinated financial structure and unbalanced regional allocation of financial resources, while the real economy has many problems, such as the phenomenon of investment driving growth, unreasonable industrial structure, unbalanced regional development and widening income gap between urban and rural areas. Then the coupling coordination degree model of Chongqing real economy and virtual economy is constructed based on the theory of capacity-coupled system model. The empirical results show that the comprehensive development level and coordination degree of Chongqing entity economy and virtual economy are improving continuously. However, the overall level is still low, and the room for improvement is large. Finally, based on the above analysis, this paper aims at strengthening regional financial institutions, planning the layout of financial centers, and guiding the optimal allocation of financial resources. Strengthening the macro-control of real estate industry and strengthening supervision moderately, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions for the coordinated development of real economy and virtual economy in Chongqing.


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