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发布时间:2018-06-01 15:13

  本文选题:国有企业 + 激励机制 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform of China's economic system began in 1992, a series of market-oriented reforms, such as China's accession to the WTO, the reform of state-owned enterprises and the reform of real estate, have laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of China's economy in the past ten years. However, as the easy dividend from the SOE reform, which focuses on expanding corporate autonomy and increasing profit retention, is gradually being harvested, we have to begin to rethink the old GDP. Whether the single efficiency-oriented development model has come to an end. The reform of state-owned enterprises in China should be advanced towards two main objectives: one is to improve the market structure, to perfect the market system, to make the market more competitive and efficient, and to make the market more transparent, fair and effective; and the second is the goal of people's livelihood. That is, how to make state-owned enterprises bear more social responsibility beyond profit, so that state-owned capital can benefit the people better. State-owned enterprises have experienced four stages: enlarging the autonomy of enterprises, transforming from management right to ownership, promoting the establishment of modern enterprise system and deepening the internal reform of state-controlled joint-stock companies (especially listed companies). In the past two decades, the property right reform of state-owned enterprises, which is dominated by a single goal of efficiency, has emphasized the economic benefits one-sidedly, and neglected the social responsibility of the state-owned enterprises under the socialist system. When the market-oriented reform of state-owned enterprises enters a new stage, how to make state-owned enterprises bear extensive social responsibility in addition to profits has become a new issue for government regulators to consider. In the early stage, the state-owned enterprises, whose core is to expand their autonomy and improve their profits, have gradually transferred a considerable part of the right to use and control of assets from the government to the state-owned enterprises, especially the managers of state-owned enterprises. This paper first lists the agent problems in state-owned enterprises for managers under the current efficiency target, including moral hazard, adverse selection, insider control and so on. Then on the premise that state-owned enterprises are endowed with the two goals of pursuing efficiency and safeguarding people's livelihood, the moral hazard model based on incentive theory is used to study how to implement the appropriate incentive level for state-owned enterprise managers. In view of the dialectical relationship between economic and social benefits, this paper discusses the suboptimal cost of encouraging SOE operators to pursue economic and social benefits under the circumstances of mutual substitution and complementarity, and thinks that the government is the rational client. In practice, the incentive cost and total income (including economic and social benefits) will be compared according to the different situations faced by state-owned enterprises, and then the incentive level of state-owned enterprise managers will be determined. Then we choose appropriate economic performance indicators and social performance indicators to analyze the incentive level of state-owned enterprise managers, the results show that a comprehensive reflection of economic performance and social performance indicators. Social contribution per share can explain the salary distribution of SOE operators in the industry. Finally, based on the above model derivation and empirical analysis, this paper puts forward some institutional suggestions to improve the incentive mechanism of state-owned enterprise managers.


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3 董R,




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