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发布时间:2018-06-01 22:51

  本文选题:培训 + 关键岗位 ; 参考:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着房地产行业渐渐步入成熟期并进入持续调整状态。地产行业也从资金密集型向知识密集型转变,地产企业核心竞争力从传统资源的获取能力转变为新兴资源的获取与培养能力。这使得中国房地产行业人才结构和人才组成也逐渐发生了巨大变化。房地产企业在管理与专业等方面的关键岗位后备人员需求量不断增大。在此背景下,ZH地产公司步入“十二五”快速发展、快速扩张的战略期,公司规模计划成倍扩大。如此态势下,ZH地产公司蓦然面临在未来几年存在巨大的人才缺口。 公司在省视自身情况需求后,确定应对未来人才危机的主要方针是内部培养,尤其是关键岗位,例如中、高层管理人员,专业骨干等。然而,ZH地产公司在关键岗位后备人才的选拔培训等方面,从科学性、系统性、方法性还存在一定缺失,现有的关键岗位后备人员培训方案中,只是较盲目地进行各类中、高端管理培训、房地产业务专业培训等,从大处缺少目标性、战略性,从小处又缺少针对不同后备群体的针对性和系统性。最终造成整个人才供应体系在“选”、“造”、“用”、“考”等各环节上的严重脱节,对ZH地产的未来发展造成不利影响。因此,ZH地产公司的关键岗位后备人员培训方案优化、完善刻不容缓。 本论文以此为出发点,通过理论与实际的结合,为ZH地产公司优化支持其战略发展需求的关键岗位后备人员培训方案,完善其在人员培训方面的机制。本文在科学理论的指导支持下,通过细致分析公司战略需求以及现有培训方案的缺点、漏洞,有针对性、有重点地对关键岗位后备人员培训方案进行了再设计,包括关键岗位后备人员培训群体优化、基于关键岗位素质模型设计课程库、基于素质模型多培训手段有机结合、培训前期的个人计划制定以及培训后期的考核等等,为ZH公司提供应对未来的人才解决方案,帮助ZH地产公司未雨绸缪,为未来巨大的人才缺口做好充分的准备。 本文中所应用的素材与信息数据等,均来自对ZH地产公司的人力资源现状调查结果,包括与公司人力部、战略部员工访谈记录、领导访谈记录等。通过对调查结果的细致统计与深入分析,总结出ZH地产公司关键岗位后备人员培训方面的需求重点,以此为依据,找出解决问题的关键所在,然后对症下药,梳理、设计出具体的关键岗位后备人员培训方案。本文的最后,将通过方案的实施,不断评估、调整、完善。 论文主要分为七部分:包括序论、相关理论、现有关键岗位后备人员培训方案问题诊断、对现有培训方案优化设计、优化方案保障措施、最后总结等。其中,“现有方案问题诊断”和“对现有方案优化设计”这两个部分是重点。 关键岗位后备人员培训,是ZH地产公司弥补未来关键岗位人才缺口的核心,本文的价值在于为ZH地产公司提供有系统性的、有针对性的解决方案。此外,在行业大环境调整的驱使下,ZH地产公司面临的问题,在行业中,尤其是中、小型房地产企业中也并非个案、特案,本文通过细致的研究,也同时为扩张期、发展期的其中、小型房地产企业,提出解决人才’供应缺口的思路。
[Abstract]:As the real estate industry gradually enters the mature period and enters the continuous adjustment state , the real estate industry also transforms from the capital - intensive to the knowledge - intensive transformation , the core competitiveness of the real estate enterprise transforms from the acquisition ability of the traditional resources into the acquisition and training capability of the emerging resources .

After saving the demand , the company determines that the main course of coping with the future talent crisis is internal cultivation , especially the key post , such as medium , senior management , professional backbone , etc . However , in the training scheme of the key post - backup personnel , the company is only blindly engaged in various kinds of middle , high - end management training , real estate business professional training , etc .

In this paper , based on the combination of theory and practice , the key position reserve personnel training scheme for the optimization of the strategic development needs of the company is optimized . The training scheme of the key post - backup personnel is further designed by careful analysis of the company ' s strategic needs and the shortcomings of the existing training scheme .

Based on the detailed statistics and in - depth analysis of the survey results , the paper summarizes the key positions of the training of key post - reserve personnel of the Company , and then puts forward the training scheme for the key positions of the key posts . Finally , it will continuously evaluate , adjust and perfect through the implementation of the scheme .

The thesis is divided into seven parts : the sequence theory , the related theory , the existing key post - backup personnel training scheme problem diagnosis , the optimization design of the existing training scheme , the optimization scheme guarantee measures and the final summary , etc . Among them , the two parts of the " diagnosis of the existing problems " and " the optimization design of the existing schemes " are the focus .

The key post - backup personnel training is the core of making up the gap of talent gap of key posts in the future . The value of this paper is to provide a systematic and targeted solution for the company . In addition , it is not a case in the industry , especially in small - scale real estate enterprises . In addition , in the industry , especially in small - scale real estate enterprises , it is not a case or case .


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