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发布时间:2018-06-02 06:25

  本文选题:商业地产 + REITs ; 参考:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of recent ten years, commercial real estate has become one of the pillar industries of our national economy, which plays a key role in the development of national economy. Commercial real estate is a capital-intensive industry, the demand for capital. Therefore, want to develop and expand commercial real estate, must obtain sufficient fund support. However, there are few financing channels in China, and the whole commercial real estate market is unstable with the soaring price of commercial housing. The government promulgates the related policy, strengthens to the real estate macroscopic control, causes the commercial real estate developer to face the financing difficulty question. At the same time, with the development of the economy, many investors are struggling to find investment channels. The emergence of commercial real estate REITs will solve this problem well, it can provide a broad platform for investors and investors. Therefore, our country needs to develop and strengthen the commercial real estate REITs as soon as possible. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research. It is pointed out that there is a challenge of insufficient capital and broken capital chain in real estate of our country, so it is necessary to increase financing channels. In order to solve the single channel of commercial real estate financing in our country and rely heavily on banks, increasing the direct financing mode of commercial real estate has become the primary task. And commercial real estate investment trust fund is very good direct financing channel. In addition to the background and significance of the research, this part also gives a brief description of the research content and methods, and gives the framework of the technical roadmap. The second chapter mainly introduces the concept, characteristics and classification of commercial real estate investment trust fund. In the third chapter, the development of REITs in foreign markets is briefly described, which provides reference for the issuance of real estate trusts in China. The fourth chapter, through the development of commercial real estate market situation, the domestic trust industry economy, industry environment and commercial real estate financing and trust funds to the combination of a comprehensive analysis, To evaluate the necessity and feasibility of developing commercial real estate REITs. The fifth chapter, according to our country's current concrete situation, has carried on the thorough discussion to our country commercial real estate REITs to the income, the tax, the law, the risk and the operation pattern and so on, has carried on the thorough discussion, and has discovered the present existence question. The sixth chapter is aimed at the question put forward in chapter 5, combining the market and the reality of national conditions, gives the related suggestion. In the seventh chapter, the author analyzes the REITs operation practice in our country with practical cases. In the last part, the necessity of the development of commercial real estate REITs in China is briefly summarized, and the existing problems and development suggestions are summarized.


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