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发布时间:2018-06-03 09:06

  本文选题:激励 + 员工 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:从古至今,无论是社会的进步还是公司的发展都需要人力推动,因此,人力资源比技术资源、物质资源等其它资源都更为宝贵,其重要性不言而喻。在公司人力资源管理中,无论是绩效、薪资与福利、职业生涯规划等机制或体系的建立,都是激励手段的不同表现形式,希望通过有效的激励手段激发员工的主观能动性,为公司持续创造最大价值。激励已成为人力资源管理的核心,是诸多学者探讨研究的热点。 本文以S公司为研究对象。根据公司目前在人员的现状分析,发掘公司在人员激励方面存在的问题。通过访谈调查、问卷调查、分析调查等实地调研方法收集数据,通过调查结果的统计分析,基于相关激励理论从物质激励和精神激励两个方面,为S公司建立有利于自身发展的人员激励体系。 本论文的创新之处在于将独立的薪酬、绩效及职业生涯规划这三部分内容以员工激励为导向整合成逻辑关联性强、切实有效的员工激励体系。其中,在绩效管理中结合房地产企业多项目运营特点,以计划体系为基础,设计绩效考核方案,建立考核指标库。将绩效考核结果及时、有效应用,确保实现激励效果。本论文的研究结果为该公司实施员工激励措施提供指导,并为同行业公司员工激励提供参考。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times, both the progress of the society and the development of the company need human resources, therefore, human resources are more valuable than technical resources, material resources and other resources, its importance is self-evident. In human resource management, whether the performance, salary and benefits, career planning and other mechanisms or systems are different forms of incentive means, hoping to stimulate the subjective initiative of employees through effective incentives. Create maximum value for the company on a continuous basis. Motivation has become the core of human resource management and is a hot topic for many scholars. This paper takes S Company as the research object. According to the current situation of the company in the personnel analysis, explore the company in the personnel incentive problems. Through interviews, questionnaires, analysis and other field research methods to collect data, through the statistical analysis of the results of the survey, based on the relevant incentive theory from material incentives and spiritual incentives two aspects, For S Company to establish a conducive to their own development of the staff incentive system. The innovation of this paper is to integrate the three parts of independent compensation, performance and career planning, which are guided by employee motivation, into a highly relevant and effective employee incentive system. According to the characteristics of multi-project operation of real estate enterprises and based on the planning system, the performance evaluation scheme is designed and the evaluation index database is established in the performance management. Timely and effective application of performance appraisal results to ensure the achievement of incentive effect. The results of this paper provide guidance for the company to implement employee incentive measures, and provide a reference for the same industry companies.


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