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发布时间:2018-06-04 02:48

  本文选题:预制装配式剪力墙 + ABAQUS ; 参考:《沈阳建筑大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the proportion of the real estate industry in the gross national product is increasing. A large number of new buildings stimulate the development of the construction industry and promote the growth of the national economy. It can be foreseen that the construction industry in China will be in a state of "vigorous development" for a long time in the future. Construction is an important part of all kinds of architectural structures. As early as the 80s of last century, our country began to be popular with assembly architecture, but limited to the construction and technical level at that time, the quality and safety of the building could not be effectively guaranteed. In recent years, with the rapid improvement of the analysis level of construction technology and construction structure theory, the assembly structure has been improved. The form has been put forward and given new ideas. Compared with the traditional cast-in-place construction, the assembly structure has the advantages of fast construction speed, small pollution and saving manpower and material resources. It is a kind of construction method which is worth popularizing. At present, the increasing tension of land resources leads to the construction of residential buildings from low level, multi-storey to small high-rise and high rise structure rapidly. For the small high-rise building with the assembly style, the development and the transformation of the connection technology between the shear walls have become the key to the construction of the prefabricated shear wall housing structure in our country. From a technical point of view, this connection is more successful in exploring the connection of the wall joints of the assembled shear wall structure. A variety of full-scale wall joint tests and many years of practical engineering applications have proved that the connection technology can basically meet the seismic resistance of the structure. Basic requirements. Although the grouting sleeve anchor connection has the above advantages, but its technical and economic type is not high, which is mainly reflected in: (1) the precision of the fabrication of wall prefabricated parts and the level of the construction personnel in the field assembly operation are very high, and the production level of the prefabricated fittings and the technical level of the construction team in China are short of the present stage. (2) the cost of the sleeve is relatively high, thus raising the economic cost of the whole project, which makes it difficult to popularize the advanced assembly mode in China. In view of the above reasons, a new vertical connection mode of human shaped dark braced shear wall is proposed, which is under the premise of no increasing the cost of technology and material. Depending on the existing production precision level of the prefabricated parts and the technical level of the construction team, the field assembly connection of the wall can be realized. This paper mainly focuses on the seismic performance of the connection mode. The main research contents include: (1) a comprehensive summary of the development of the wall connection of the prefabricated shear wall structure is summarized. (2) according to the actual structure of the new wall connection proposed, the three-dimensional finite element static analysis model is established by the finite element software, and the numerical simulation of the force performance of the shear wall under the single axis load is studied. The monotonic load effect is obtained by comparing with the established joint joint model. The numerical analysis results show that under the unidirectional monotonic load, the yield failure characteristics of the proposed wall joint model are basically the same as that of the cast-in-place joint model. After the wall yield, the former is slightly weaker and the latter, but the local stiffness is improved and the force performance is guaranteed. (3) in the above shear force, the shear strength of the wall joints is guaranteed. On the basis of the wall finite element model, a low cycle reciprocating load is applied to the model, and the corresponding hysteretic curve is drawn to investigate its energy dissipation capacity. Through the comparison of the analysis results, it is shown that the energy dissipation capacity of the proposed wall node model in the elastic stage is better than the cast in situ joint model. After the extreme load is reached, the energy dissipation capacity is weakened, which is less than the cast in situ joint model. The stiffness degradation is faster than the cast-in-place node model, and it is considered that the reinforcing bar yield is prematurely due to the less reinforcement configuration at the connecting node, which leads to the premature and decline of the reinforcement yield. (4) by changing the axial compression ratio of the assembled shear wall, the influence of the axial compression ratio on the energy dissipation capacity of the component is studied. The results show that the shear force increases with the axial compression ratio. The energy dissipation capacity of the wall is decreased, but the ultimate load is improved. Through the analysis and comparison of the two joint node models, it is found that the stress characteristics of the assembly joint model are close to the cast in situ model, and the seismic performance is good, and it has some theoretical significance, which provides the basis for the future research.


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