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发布时间:2018-06-04 01:00

  本文选题:房地产 + 商业地产 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的发展和城市化进程的不断加速,商业地产项目如雨后春笋般出现在祖国的大江南北。然而伴随着大批项目的盲目上马,各种问题日益显现。大部分城市商业地产项目盲目扎堆、总量过大,造成了开发难、销售难、招商难、开业难、运营难等等问题;相当数量的开发商没有商业项目的开发经验,以住宅开发模式操作商业项目是造成商业地产项目种种问题的根源。爱尚街项目在自身硬件条件不佳,开发企业实力与经验均处于劣势的情况下,要与石家庄众多商业地产项目竞争,确立行之有效的开发模式至关重要。 结合项目基本特征,综合分析项目的优劣势及所处的环境特点,将发挥项目的优势作为基础;同时针对竞争对手及消费者需求弱化或规避项目的劣势;在行业环境及区域商圈结构均利好的情况下,设计顺应市场的可持续开发模式是本文的设计方向。 从结构上看,文章由以下部分构成:在绪论中,首先对研究的背景和对象进行了界定,提出了研究的意义;第二章介绍了商业地产现有的开发模式和开发现状,并对招商、定位、规划、运营进行了说明;在第三章对项目所处环境和项目特征进行了深入的分析,第四章对项目所处城市的典型商业地产案例进行了深入分析,总结典型案例对本项目的借鉴意义;尤其针对商业业态构成、租赁模式、发展趋势进行了分析及预判;第五章是文章的重点,提出了本项目的开发模式,即四方共赢的开发模式,以及此种开发模式下的业态定位、自持比例、招商与销售、推广营销,四方面如何实施及配合;最后一部分是总结和进一步研究的展望。 文章旨在为本商业地产项目提供可行的开发模式,实现公司、社会、经营方、业主利益的四方共赢,并希望能为中小开发企业提供一些有益的参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, commercial real estate projects are springing up in the north and south of the motherland. However, with the blind start of a large number of projects, various problems become increasingly apparent. Most of the urban commercial real estate projects are blindly piled up and the total amount is too large, resulting in difficulties in development, sales, investment, opening, operation and so on. A considerable number of developers have no development experience in commercial projects. The operation of commercial projects in the mode of residential development is the root cause of various problems in commercial real estate projects. The Aichang Street project is very important to compete with many commercial real estate projects in Shijiazhuang when its own hardware condition is not good and the strength and experience of the development enterprise are at a disadvantage so it is very important to establish an effective development model. Combined with the basic characteristics of the project, the advantages and disadvantages of the project and the environmental characteristics of the project are comprehensively analyzed, and the advantages of the project are taken as the basis, while the weakness of the project is weakened or circumvented by the competition and consumer demand. Under the condition that the industry environment and the structure of regional business circle are favorable, the design of sustainable development model which conforms to the market is the design direction of this paper. From the structure point of view, the article is composed of the following parts: in the introduction, the background and object of the research are defined, and the significance of the research is put forward. In the third chapter, the environment and characteristics of the project are deeply analyzed, and the fourth chapter analyzes the typical commercial real estate cases of the city in which the project is located. The paper summarizes the significance of the typical cases to this project, especially analyzes and predicts the business pattern, leasing model and development trend. Chapter 5 is the focus of the article, and puts forward the development model of the project. That is, the development model of the Quartet win-win, as well as the positioning of the development model, self-sustaining ratio, investment and sales, promotion and marketing, four aspects of implementation and coordination; the last part is a summary and further research prospects. The purpose of this paper is to provide a feasible development model for the commercial real estate project, and to realize the win-win situation of the company, society, operator and owner, and hope to provide some useful reference for the small and medium-sized development enterprises.


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