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发布时间:2018-06-05 01:29

  本文选题:房地产 + 广告 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产广告语是广告语中一个重要的分支,它融合了语音学、词汇学、语法学、语用学、修辞学、广告学、心理学、文化学等多个方面的知识,具有很强的宣传效果和促销功能。本文通过对房地产广告语语料的分析,总结出房地产广告语在语音、词汇、修辞方面的一些特点,同时也总结出房地产广告语存在的一些问题,并提出一些对策。 房地产广告语在语音方面的特点是:善于运用押韵,音节整齐,,注意平仄,节奏抑扬顿挫,音律和谐悦耳。 房地产广告语在词汇方面的特点是:一,常用数字词,表示房地产广告语的准确性;二,插用外语词、外语字母和音译词,营造一种时尚的氛围;三,喜用炫耀富贵的词汇。 修辞格在房地产广告语中出现频率很高,常用的修辞格有排比、反复、比喻、对比、对偶、拟人等。通过使用修辞格,可以增加广告语言的形象性和生动性。 目前房地产广告语还存在一些问题,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是语言使用不规范;二是内容失实失真;三是价值观扭曲;四是创意雷同。出现这些问题的原因有以下几个方面:一是法制不够健全;二是房地产广告从业人员职业素养欠缺;三是买卖双方信息占有不对等。 为了规范房地产广告语、纯洁语言,我们认为今后要通过采取切实有效的措施来解决房地产广告语中存在的问题。比如,国家应该加强立法,完善相关法律法规;广告从业人员要加强职业素养,自觉增强维护语言纯洁与规范的意识,提高创作水平和鉴赏能力。
[Abstract]:Real estate advertising language is an important branch of advertising language, it combines phonetics, lexicology, grammar, pragmatics, rhetoric, advertising, psychology, culture and other aspects of knowledge, Has the very strong propaganda effect and the promotion function. By analyzing the corpus of real estate advertising language, this paper summarizes some characteristics of real estate advertising language in phonetic, lexical and rhetorical aspects, and at the same time summarizes some problems existing in real estate advertising language and puts forward some countermeasures. The characteristics of real estate advertising language in pronunciation are: good use of rhyme, regular syllables, pay attention to flat, rhythm cadence, harmony and melody. The features of the real estate advertising language in terms of vocabulary are as follows: first, the use of numerals to express the veracity of the real estate advertising language; second, the insertion of foreign language words, letters and transliteration words to create a fashionable atmosphere; third, the desire to show off the rich words. Rhetorical devices appear frequently in real estate advertisements. The commonly used figures of speech are parallelism, repetition, metaphor, contrast, duality, personification and so on. By using figures of speech, we can increase the vividness and vividness of advertising language. At present, there are still some problems in the advertising language of real estate, mainly in the following aspects: first, the language is not standardized; second, the content is distorted; third, the value is distorted; fourth, the creativity is the same. The reasons for these problems are as follows: first, the legal system is not perfect; second, the professional literacy of the real estate advertisement practitioners is deficient; third, the information possession between the buyer and the seller is not equal. In order to regulate the real estate advertising language, we think that we should take practical and effective measures to solve the problems in the real estate advertising language. For example, the country should strengthen the legislation, perfect the relevant laws and regulations; the advertising practitioners should strengthen their professional literacy, consciously enhance the awareness of maintaining the purity and standardization of language, and improve the level of creation and appreciation.


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