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发布时间:2018-06-05 08:41

  本文选题:保障房 + 商品房 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房保障制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分。改革开放以来,我国住房体系告别了福利分房时代,逐步由计划分配向市场主导的住房体系转变,尤其是2003年国家将房地产业作为国民经济发展的支柱产业后,房地产业便一路高歌猛进,迎来快速发展时期。在政府引导和市场长期压抑需求的释放下,房地产业市场化步伐不断加快,在促进国民经济增长、满足居民住房需求方面发挥了重大作用。但由于完全依靠市场调节的盲目性,导致我国房地产业的发展逐步偏离正常的轨迹,房价增长过快,市场投机行为导致大量中低收入群体的住房需求得不到保障,社会矛盾十分突出。 为此,国家为保障中低收入群体的住房需求,逐步建立了以经济适用房、公租房、廉租房、两限房、棚户区改造等为主体的多层次住房保障体系,在保障居民基本住房需求的同时,意在给房地产市场降温,,但从我国保障房政策的效果来看,成效甚微。鉴于此,本文意在通过研究保障房建设对商品房市场的影响,从中找出保障房建设对商品房市场影响的理论基础和现实依据,从中发现我国保障房政策对商品房市场影响机制,为我国保障房体系的建设提供一定的借鉴意义。 本文主要从五个方面分析了保障房对商品房市场的影响,首先对本文的研究对象、政策背景、目的意义进行阐述,找出其中的切入点;其次通过对我国保障房体系的历史发展进程进行梳理,理清我国保障房政策的发展脉络,并对我国当前的保障房体系进行深入分析;第三,从经济学和房地产经济学的角度出发,利用相关理论找出两个市场之间的影响机制,为实证研究奠定理论基础;最后,以我国经济适用房的建设为依据,利用经济学模型对二者的关系进行分析,找出两者之间的影响机制,并就我国保障房未来建设的方向提出相应的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Housing security system is an important part of social security system. Since the reform and opening up, the housing system of our country has bid farewell to the era of welfare housing division and gradually transformed from planned distribution to market-oriented housing system, especially after the country took the real estate industry as the pillar industry of national economic development in 2003. The real estate industry will advance rapidly, ushered in a period of rapid development. Under the guidance of the government and the release of the long-term depressed demand of the market, the marketization of the real estate industry has been speeding up, which has played an important role in promoting the growth of the national economy and meeting the housing demand of the residents. However, due to the blindness of completely relying on market regulation, the development of real estate industry in our country deviates from the normal track step by step, the housing price increases too fast, and the speculative behavior of the market leads to a large number of low and middle income groups' housing demand can not be guaranteed. Social contradictions stand out. Therefore, in order to ensure the housing needs of the middle and low income groups, the state has gradually established a multi-level housing security system with comfortable housing, public rental housing, low-rent housing, two-confined housing, shantytown reconstruction, etc. At the same time, it is intended to cool down the real estate market, but from the effect of indemnificatory apartment policy, it has little effect. In view of this, this paper aims to find out the theoretical basis and practical basis of the influence of indemnificatory apartment construction on the commercial housing market through the study of the influence of indemnificatory apartment construction on the commercial housing market, and to find out the influence mechanism of indemnificatory apartment policy on the commercial housing market in China. It provides some reference for the construction of indemnificatory apartment system in our country. This paper mainly analyzes the impact of indemnificatory apartment on the commercial housing market from five aspects. Firstly, it expounds the research object, policy background and purpose meaning of this paper, and finds out the breakthrough point. Secondly, through combing the historical development process of China's indemnificatory apartment system, the development of China's indemnificatory apartment policy is clarified, and the current indemnificatory apartment system of our country is deeply analyzed. From the angle of economics and real estate economics, the influence mechanism between the two markets is found out by using the relevant theories, which lays a theoretical foundation for the empirical research. Finally, based on the construction of comfortable housing in China, This paper analyzes the relationship between the two by using the economic model, finds out the influence mechanism between them, and puts forward corresponding policy suggestions on the future construction of indemnificatory apartment in China.


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