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发布时间:2018-06-06 09:24

  本文选题:商品住宅价格 + 影响因素 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,房地产市场的价格、影响其价格变动的因素及调控政策的研究一直是热点话题。长沙大河西先导区作为全国长株潭城市群两型社会综合配套改革实验区的核心示范区,是全国首批生态文明建设试点区,承担着国家探索资源节约、环境友好发展道路的重任,对该区域房地产市场进行研究探索,对影响该区域房地产市场因素研究,从影响因素分析提出对策建议,使该区域房地产市场健康稳定发展,具有重要意义。 本文以长沙大河西先导区为研究区域,通过对长沙大河西先导区2013年房地产市场用地成交现状、新建商品房预售情况、新建商品房网签情况、新建商品房成交备案情况、新建商品房网签均价、新建商品房成交备案均价、新建商品房供销的总体进行分析,对该区域购房者年龄、购房者来源地、购房者的户型偏好、付款特征等进行调查研究,且对长沙大河西先导区范围内2013年二手房市场交易情况,二手房挂牌租金等数据进行分析研究,运用比较分析方法,对各指标变化进行对比,得出如下结论: 1、目前长沙大河西先导区土地供应量充足但土地价格过高且土地使用结构不合理,新建商品房供销整体基本保持平衡,供给充足;二手房交易市场相对冷淡,二手房存量较大,空置率较高,二手房交易市场有待完善;该区域房价上涨幅度超过人均可支配收入幅度;租售比远高于国际衡量标准,表明该区域房地产价格上涨过快。 2、影响该区域房地产价格上涨的因素包括一般因素与特殊因素。一般因素:土地成本的增长,土地成本的增加导致开发商的开发成本增加,开发商不得不提高商品房的价格从而保持利润的平衡;建安成本的增加,建安成本包括建筑和安装成本,由于建材价格的上涨,劳动力成本增加导致房价上涨;购房者的需求影响房价的上涨,没有购房者的需求就没有房地产的市场,购房者需求中又包括刚性需求跟投资性需求,刚需族是购房的主体,其次是投资性需求。特殊因素包括长沙大河西先导区完善的交通格局、打造优美的生态环境、引进高端的项目等。 3、调控原理包括一般调控与特殊调控,一般调控包括提出调控应确立房价调控总体思路、加强土地出让管理规范土地价格、加大保障性住房建设供应量、加大政策调控、完善二手房交易市场等措施。特殊调控包括:走“跨江发展”的新思路,构建现代综合交通运输体系,打造国家级生态文明示范区,加快重点项目建设。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the price of the real estate market, the factors affecting its price change and the regulation and control policy has been a hot topic. As the core demonstration area for the comprehensive reform of the two types of society in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration, Changsha Dahexi pilot area is the first pilot area for the construction of ecological civilization in the country. It bears the heavy responsibility of the state in exploring the road of resource conservation and environment-friendly development. It is of great significance to study the factors affecting the real estate market in this region and put forward countermeasures and suggestions from the analysis of the influencing factors so as to make the real estate market develop healthily and stably in the region. This paper takes Dahexi Pioneer District of Changsha as the research area, through the transaction status of real estate market land in 2013, the advance sale of new commercial housing, the signing of new commercial housing network, and the record of new commercial housing transaction in Changsha Dahexi Pioneer District in 2013. The average price of the new commercial housing network, the average price of the new commercial housing transaction record, the overall analysis of the supply and marketing of the new commercial house, the age of the buyers in the region, the origin of the buyers, the household preference of the buyers, the payment characteristics, etc., are investigated and studied. Moreover, the paper analyzes and studies the data of second-hand housing market transaction and second-hand house listing rent in 2013 in the leading area of Dahexi, Changsha. By using comparative analysis method, it compares the changes of each index, and draws the following conclusions: 1. At present, the supply of land in the leading area of Dahexi in Changsha is sufficient, but the land price is too high and the structure of land use is unreasonable. The supply and marketing of newly built commercial housing is basically balanced and the supply is adequate; the transaction market for second-hand housing is relatively cold, and the stock of second-hand housing is relatively large. The vacancy rate is high and the second-hand housing market needs to be improved; the region's house prices are rising by more than per capita disposable income; and the rent-to-sale ratio is well above international standards, indicating that property prices in the region are rising too fast. 2, the factor that affects the real estate price rise in this region includes general factor and special factor. General factors: the increase in land costs, land costs increase developers' development costs, developers have to raise the price of commercial housing to maintain the balance of profits. Construction and installation costs include construction and installation costs. Because of the rising price of building materials, the increase in labor costs leads to an increase in house prices; the demand of buyers affects the rise of house prices; without the demand of buyers, there will be no real estate market. The demand of house buyers includes rigid demand and investment demand, rigid demand family is the main part of house purchase, followed by investment demand. Special factors include perfect traffic pattern, beautiful ecological environment, introduction of high-end projects and so on. 3. The principle of regulation and control includes general regulation and special regulation. General regulation and control includes establishing the general idea of housing price control, strengthening land transfer management, standardizing land price, increasing the supply of affordable housing construction, and increasing policy regulation and control. Improve the second-hand housing market and other measures. Special regulation and control include: taking the new idea of "cross river development", constructing modern comprehensive transportation system, building national ecological civilization demonstration area, speeding up the construction of key projects.


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