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发布时间:2018-06-06 11:37

  本文选题:生命政治劳动 + 共同性 ; 参考:《马克思主义与现实》2014年06期

[Abstract]:In Hart's and Negri's view, the era of globalisation we live in represents a new order, the empire, a mixed constitutional order: the monarchy represented by the United States. Aristocracy represented by other developed countries and multinational consortia and democracy represented by marginal nation-states and non-governmental organizations. It was these three levels that formed the new imperial order. The form of class struggle adopted by the masses in the face of the empire has also changed correspondingly, and runaway has become the dominant form of struggle day by day. The authors have evolved from the relationship between labor and capital because the political labor of life is increasingly hegemonic, labor is becoming more and more autonomous, and it has the ability to collaborate and organize autonomously in the production space, that is, It has the potential to shake off capital-and examine the common spectre of real estate and finance to reveal the possibility of change. This possibility has loomed in the political metropolis of life. There is no doubt that commonality is corrupted, and the three most representative institutions are the family, the business and the state. Therefore, how to escape from these corrupt institutions and retake commonality is the problem to be discussed in this paper.
【作者单位】: 美国杜克大学文学系;法国巴黎第八大学;天津工业大学外国语学院;


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