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发布时间:2018-06-06 20:47

  本文选题:收入划分 + 财力格局 ; 参考:《税务研究》2015年04期

[Abstract]:In order to further straighten out the relationship between the adjustment of distribution structure and the stability of the overall financial structure, it is necessary to solve three major problems: first, how to realize the stability of financial structure among regions, secondly, how to link up with the reform of tax system; Third, how to adjust to the division of expenditure responsibilities. "to mitigate the impact of the income division adjustment on the regional financial balance, we can focus on adjusting the share tax sharing ratio." Resources tax reform, real estate tax reform, consumption tax reform will affect the existing intergovernmental income division pattern. The end result is a tax increase or decrease and a change in the distribution of tax sources. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze in detail the possible income changes caused by the tax reform, and to study how to adjust the tax classification. The division of expenditure responsibility is closely related to the division of income, and the moderate increase of the responsibility of central expenditure should be based on the stability of central income. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the central proportion of VAT revenue after the increase of VAT revenue.
【作者单位】: 财政部财政科学研究所;


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