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发布时间:2018-06-10 02:50

  本文选题:鄱阳湖生态经济区 + 零能耗 ; 参考:《华东交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:零能耗建筑不代表建筑不消耗能源,只是建筑通过各项良好节能措施的运用尽可能多得减少能耗,同时让可再生能源得到充分的利用,实现建筑在周期内耗能与可再生能源产能的平衡。自上世纪70年代起,国际上多个发达国家都先后开展了零能耗建筑的技术研究,近期各主要发达国家在政府指令、技术发展目标等文件中对“零能耗建筑”发展做出中长期规划,零能耗节能建筑势必是今后节能建筑发展的方向。 欧洲国家在零能耗建筑研究领域起步较早,技术也相对成熟,其中英国政府已提出零能耗限制标准要求2016年后所有新建住宅建筑实现零排放。我国零能耗建筑研究刚刚起步,国内的高校科研机构、新能源企业及房地产企业等纷纷推出了示范性质的零能耗建筑项目,零能耗建筑实践正由单个示范项目开始成为国家的导向性行动。如今,鄱阳湖生态经济区的建设已上升为国家战略,是江西今后几十年发展的战略规划,突出绿色、生态特色是建设鄱阳湖生态经济区的基本定位,进行零能耗建筑节能研究符合该地区中长期战略规划。 文章以鄱阳湖生态经济区住宅建筑为研究对象,通过对该地区的自然条件、可再生能源分布、建筑热工环境等现状进行调查分析,探寻适宜该地区零能耗住宅建设应遵循的原则及可采取节能措施,具体研究工作包括: (1)查询大量阅读文献,,了解世界零能耗建筑的研究成果及发展动态,总结国内外已有零能耗建筑技术特点。 (2)从住宅建筑的平面布局、围护结构保温隔热、节能的机电设备及其运行模式与可再生能源的利用等多个方面分析,探索出适合该地区零能耗住宅建筑的节能技术路线。 (3)以一栋住宅建筑为例,采取优化的节能技术,运用计算机软件模拟软件技术计算出其全年能耗,优选适合案例建筑的可再生能源,通过计算建筑耗能与可再生能源产能的数据验证技术的可行性。 (4)对案例建筑采用零能耗技术与传统技术两种不同方案进行比较,对其建设成本及运行成本进行数据计算,从建筑全寿命周期成本与投资回收期两个方面进行经济分析,证明零能耗住宅建筑在经济上可行。
[Abstract]:Zero energy consumption does not mean that buildings do not consume energy, but buildings reduce energy consumption as much as possible through the use of good energy conservation measures, while making full use of renewable energy. Achieve the balance between energy consumption and renewable energy capacity in the building cycle. Since the 1970s, many developed countries have successively carried out research on the technology of zero-energy consumption buildings. Recently, the major developed countries have been instructed by the government. In the documents such as technical development goals and other documents, the development of "zero energy consumption building" is planned in the medium and long term. Zero energy saving building is bound to be the direction of energy conservation building development in the future. European countries started early in the research field of zero energy consumption building, and the technology is relatively mature. Among them, the British government has proposed zero energy consumption limits for all new residential buildings after 2016 to achieve zero emissions. The research of zero energy consumption building has just started in our country. The research institutions of colleges and universities, new energy enterprises and real estate enterprises have one after another launched demonstration projects of zero energy consumption building. Zero-energy building practice is becoming a country-oriented action from a single demonstration project. At present, the construction of Poyang Lake ecological economic zone has become a national strategy, which is the strategic plan for Jiangxi's development in the next few decades. The ecological characteristics of Poyang Lake ecological economic zone are the basic orientation of constructing Poyang Lake ecological economic zone. The research on energy saving of zero energy consumption building accords with the medium and long term strategic plan of this area. This paper takes the residential buildings of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone as the research object, and through the natural conditions in this area, the distribution of renewable energy is discussed. Based on the investigation and analysis of the present situation of building thermal environment, this paper explores the principles that should be followed in the construction of zero energy consumption housing in this area and the measures to be taken to save energy. The specific research work includes: 1) consult a large number of reading documents, To understand the research results and development trends of zero energy consumption building in the world, summarize the technical characteristics of zero energy consumption building at home and abroad. The energy-saving electromechanical equipment, its operation mode and the utilization of renewable energy are analyzed in this paper, and the energy-saving technical route suitable for the residential building with zero energy consumption in this area is explored. Taking a residential building as an example, the optimized energy-saving technology is adopted. Using the computer software simulation software technology to calculate the annual energy consumption and select the renewable energy which is suitable for the case building. By calculating the feasibility of the data verification technology of building energy consumption and renewable energy production capacity, the paper compares the two different schemes of case building using zero energy consumption technology and traditional technology, and calculates the construction cost and operation cost. The economic analysis of the whole life cycle cost and the investment payback period proves that the zero energy consumption residential building is economically feasible.


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