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发布时间:2018-06-11 19:49

  本文选题:城镇住房保障水平 + 保障性住房 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的保障性住房制度是伴随着住房制度改革的推进、完善而逐步产生与发展的。1994年,《国务院关于深化城镇住房制度改革的决定》提出要建立以中低收入家庭为对象、具有社会保障性质的经济适用住房供应体系。1998年,随着住房货币化分配制度的实施,我国进入住房保障制度体系建设阶段。此后,我国开始全面实施经济适用房、公积金和廉租房制度,2008年,《国务院办公厅关于促进房地产市场健康发展的若干意见》提出要通过加大廉租住房建设力度和实施城市棚户区改造等方式,解决城市低收入住房困难家庭的住房问题,增加经济适用住房供给,我国开始进入了保障性住房大补课阶段。2011年3月,第十一届全国人大第四次会议通过的“十二五”规划,正式明确“对城镇低收入住房困难家庭,实行廉租住房制度。对中低等偏下收入住房困难家庭,实行公共租赁住房保障”。 我国城镇住房保障不管是在总体规模、还是在人均水平上都取得了显著地提升,也切实解决了一大批中低收入家庭的住房困难问题。但是,由于我国起步晚、底子薄等原因,在建设过程中已经暴露出许多问题:第一,建设资金筹措和土地供应压力大;第二,保障性住房规划设计有待改善,基础配套设施相对落后;第三,许多地方制定了不符合当地实际情况的住房保障标准或收入线标准。 我们认为上述问题之所以出现,关键在于当前很多城镇对住房保障目标和定位的认识不全面,对于城镇住房保障水平差异性的影响因素及其在不同地区表现出的差异性认识尚不明确。为此,本文首先对我国的住房保障差异性现状进行了描述,并结合统计数据对这种差异性的影响因素进行了描述,然后用主成分分析法和多元回归线性分析方法对这种差异性进行了评述和评价,最后对国外的住房保障政策经验进行了借鉴分析。此外,本文结合研究结论提出了有针对性的政策建议,以期为我国城镇住房保障的发展和完善提供有价值的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:In 1994, the decision of the State Council on deepening the reform of urban housing system proposed the establishment of low and middle income families. In 1998, with the implementation of the housing monetization distribution system, China entered the stage of housing security system construction. Since then, China has begun to fully implement comfortable housing, In 2008, the General Office of the State Council on promoting the healthy development of the real estate market suggested that efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of low-rent housing and to carry out the transformation of urban shantytowns. In order to solve the housing problem of low-income housing families in urban areas and increase the supply of affordable housing, China has begun to enter the stage of supplementary classes for affordable housing. In March 2011, the 12th Five-Year Plan adopted by the fourth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress, Formal clarification of "low-income housing for urban families, the implementation of low-rent housing system." For families with low and middle income housing difficulties, public rental housing security has been implemented. "in China, housing security in cities and towns has improved significantly both in terms of overall scale and per capita level," he said. It has also effectively solved the housing difficulties of a large number of low-and middle-income families. However, due to the late start and weak foundation of our country, many problems have been exposed in the construction process: first, the construction financing and land supply pressure is great; second, the planning and design of affordable housing needs to be improved. The infrastructure facilities are relatively backward; third, many places have formulated housing security standards or income line standards that do not conform to the actual local conditions. We believe that these problems arise. The key lies in the fact that many cities and towns do not have a comprehensive understanding of the goal and orientation of housing security at present, and the factors affecting the difference of housing security level in cities and towns and their differences in different regions are still unclear. Therefore, this paper first describes the current situation of housing security difference in China, and combines the statistical data to describe the influencing factors of the difference. Then the difference is commented and evaluated by principal component analysis and regression analysis, and the experience of housing security policy in foreign countries is analyzed. In addition, based on the conclusions of the study, this paper puts forward some targeted policy recommendations, in order to provide valuable reference for the development and improvement of urban housing security in China.


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1 李洪侠;城镇基本住房保障体系研究[D];财政部财政科学研究所;2012年




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