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发布时间:2018-06-11 21:13

  本文选题:宏观调控 + 土地政策 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2003年我国政府开始强调土地政策在经济过程中的重要作用,学术界也开始进行土地政策与财政政策、货币政策同时发挥作用的理论研究活动。运用土地政策参与宏观调控尤其是运用土地政策进行房地产市场方面的调控成为我国社会经济发展中的理论与实践创新,并且在实践过程中取得了一定的成效,尤其在几次经济波动之中发挥了经济稳定器的重要作用。但是土地政策参与宏观调控仍然存在实践先于理论,调控目标不明确,调控政策体系不完整,绩效评价与监督机制缺失等问题存在。 本文在研究土地政策调控实践历史的基础上,分析土地政策参与宏观调控过程中存在的问题。利用2011年国土资源部牵头CLI中国土地市场指数(英文表述为CLI,China Land Index)对中国土地2004年以来的土地调控与宏观经济变量进行回归。在此基础上对土地政策参与宏观调控的目标体系,政策体系与评价监督机制进行比较系统的梳理。本文主要分为三个部分,第一部分主要论述了土地政策参与宏观调控的基本概念与关系分析,,土地政策参与宏观调控中外相关研究概述与其理论基础,简单介绍CLI中国土地指数。第二部分主要论述了我国土地参与宏观经济调控的历史情况与不同阶段的方向特点,分析土地参与宏观调控过程之中存在的问题,并对CLI与宏观经济变量进行实证研究。第三部分是本文的理论研究重点,在实证研究的基础上,从土地政策参与宏观调控的目标体系、政策体系与评价监督四个方面系统论述。将CLI指数分指数所侧重的方面与土地政策与宏观调控的几个重点方面联系起来,使得这几个方面的联系更加紧密,更具有统一性。 CLI中国土地市场指数自2011年发布之后一直在修改完善的过程中,本文基于CLI中国土地市场指数与有限的宏观经济变量的实证研究效果有效,更受制于作者的水平,在此基础上进行的分析也有很多不完善之处。本文在土地政策参与宏观调控的量化研究方面迈出了探索性的一步,探索让政策体系、目标体系和监督与评价体系更加完整,更具有统一性与可操作性。
[Abstract]:In 2003, our government began to emphasize the important role of land policy in the economic process, and the academic circles began to carry out theoretical research activities of land policy and fiscal policy and monetary policy simultaneously. The use of land policy to participate in macro-control, especially the use of land policy to regulate the real estate market, has become a theoretical and practical innovation in the social and economic development of our country, and has achieved certain results in the process of practice. Especially in several economic fluctuations played an important role in economic stability. However, land policy participation in macro-control still exists in practice ahead of theory, with unclear control objectives and incomplete regulatory policy system. On the basis of studying the practical history of land policy regulation, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of land policy participation in macro-control. Land market index (CLI China Land Index) led by the Ministry of Land and Resources in 2011 is used to regress the land regulation and control and macroeconomic variables of Chinese land since 2004. On the basis of this, the paper systematically combs the target system, policy system and evaluation and supervision mechanism of land policy participating in macro-control. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part mainly discusses the basic concept and relationship analysis of land policy participation in macro-control, the summary of relevant research and its theoretical basis of land policy participation in macro-control at home and abroad. A brief introduction to CLI China Land Index. The second part mainly discusses the historical situation of land participation in macro-economic regulation and control in China and the characteristics of different stages, analyzes the problems existing in the process of land participation in macro-control, and makes an empirical study on CLI and macroeconomic variables. The third part is the theoretical focus of this paper, on the basis of empirical research, from the land policy to participate in the macro-control of the target system, policy system and evaluation and supervision of four aspects of a systematic discussion. By linking the aspects of the CLI sub-index with several key aspects of land policy and macroeconomic regulation and control, these aspects are more closely linked. CLI China Land Market Index (CLI) has been in the process of revision and improvement since its release in 2011. The empirical study based on CLI China Land Market Index and limited macroeconomic variables is effective and is subject to the author's level. On this basis, the analysis also has a lot of imperfections. This paper takes an exploratory step in the quantitative research of land policy participation in macro-control, and explores how to make the policy system, target system and supervision and evaluation system more complete, more unified and more operable.


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