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发布时间:2018-06-12 09:57

  本文选题:大同房地产公司 + 融资渠道 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is a capital intensive industry, capital and land are the two legs of real estate development. If land resources are the lifeblood of real estate development, then capital is the blood of real estate development. Without funds, there will be no real estate development. Land can be obtained with funds. Capital is the key to the successful development of real estate projects. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of real estate enterprises to choose appropriate financing channels and obtain stable financial support. The practical significance of this study is to study the suitable financing channels, broaden the financing channels and standardize the choice of financing channels for the management of the Real Estate Company. The way of financing, finding common elements, analyzing, studying the financing strategies of enterprises, providing reference for the management of capital and raising funds for enterprises. Through the continuous summary of the later period, the purpose of enhancing the financing economy is to be achieved, and the financial risk analysis and financing decision analysis are introduced to evaluate the influence degree of various financing risks to the enterprises. The implementation and insurance provide conditions and support to make financing management more systematic and scientific. This paper takes the financing of Datong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. as an example. The conclusions and the results of the article are as follows: (1) the net present value of all investment after tax, after tax, and after tax capital investment from the dynamic of the case project and the static profit analysis. The net present value is greater than zero, and the internal rate of return is greater than the benchmark yield and the loan interest rate; the accumulated surplus capital is more than zero each year. Therefore, from the analysis of profitability and solvency, the project is feasible. The investment profit of the project is high and has good economic benefit, which lays the foundation for the financing of the project, and Real Estate Company The appropriate cooperative development financing channels should be selected according to the project development progress and the fund demand. (2) Datong Real Estate Company has the legal person qualification, the financing conditions of the project meet the bank loan requirements. The repayment risk of the financing channel will have a decisive influence on the progress of the project invested by the Datong Real Estate Company. The interest rate risk performance At the same time, the increase in the cost of financing has led to the increase in the cost of financing, the decline in investment profits, the slowdown in the sales return, and the risk of the constant policy of the country's severe macro-control policies and the return of the funds for the sale of the buildings. Therefore, the Datong Real Estate Company should take precautions and make a good sales forecast plan as soon as possible and adjust the sales price according to the market environment. (3) Datong Real Estate Company should base on the financing environment of Datong itself, based on the enterprise situation of Datong Real Estate Company itself, based on the forecast of capital demand, analyze the financing way that Datong company can adopt, and make several financing mode combination scheme suitable for Datong Real Estate Company. According to the feasibility analysis and guidance, and according to the housing, villas, high-grade residential areas, affordable housing, low rent housing, affordable housing, and so on, choose reasonable financing channels. Actively adopt the developer seller credit, cooperative development, interlayer financing, trust financing, Engineering Subcontract financing, and obtain external unit investment and other large real estate enterprises are not monopolized. The cooperative financing development model can not only make the Datong Real Estate Company get funds but also guarantee the construction of the project on time, but also can reduce the cost of financing but should do well the risk identification and prevention of the cooperative development model. The innovation of the Real Estate Company's financing channel should be to improve the internal governance structure, Strengthening scientific management, establishing long-term bank enterprise cooperation and improving the efficiency of capital use, and so on. Only in this way can the company's business and development be healthy and sustained development. This article is slightly innovative at the following two points: first, this article aims at the current situation of real estate financing in China, and puts forward the cooperative financing channel policy of Datong Real Estate Company. The method of risk identification and control has a strong practical guiding significance. Two, on the basis of consulting a large number of laws and policies concerning real estate, based on the forecast of the demand for funds, this paper analyzes the financing methods that Datong company can adopt and sets up several financing methods suitable for the Real Estate Company in Datong. The plan, and the feasibility of the analysis and guidance, and according to housing, villas, high-end residential areas, affordable housing, low rent housing, affordable housing, and so on, the choice of reasonable financing channels and other innovative suggestions.


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