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发布时间:2018-06-12 06:32

  本文选题:长三角 + 房地产 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国房地产行业真正起步于上个世纪80年代后期,其发展至今的三十几年间,经历了国家一系列优惠经济政策推动了住房市场化,也经历了97亚洲金融风波、08年美国次贷危机全球蔓延,又经历了以“国八条”为代表的数轮宏观调控,控制房价过快增长,跌跌荡荡、起起伏伏,逐渐走向成熟。 随着大小房地产企业一线城市密集布点,市场日趋饱,以及竞争白热化,越来越多的房地产企业选择进入三线城市,将三线城市房地产开发作为新一轮的企业发展增长点。 作为一家成立至今已二十年历史的专业房地产开发公司,景瑞地产专注于商品住宅开发,并累积了丰富的经验,形成了一套自己较为完整的运营开发体系和管控模式。2005年,景瑞进行了成立以来的首轮战略规划,明确了景瑞“成为全国性的住宅开发商”的业务目标定位,全面进入二三线城市。其中长三角地区无疑是中国最发达,最具竞争力和活力的地区,深耕长三角也就成为景瑞的优先选择。 在景瑞,日常的经营行为是依托集团管控——项目公司运作的二级管控模式进行的。然而,错综复杂的形势与项目所在市场的差异性,给景瑞的战略实施带来了层出不穷的变化,不断考验着经营者的智慧和勇气。 本文作者从景瑞所处的当前市场环境出发,通过其在应对长三角各地区三线城市项目开发中,屡屡不适应和屡屡受挫的遭遇,指出了景瑞的经营管理战略和二级管控模式下战略实施中存在的极大风险。基于利益相关者理论,按照不同利益相关者划分风险类型,作者进一步剖析了风险形成的原因及可能带来的后果,最后,作者针对提出的风险类型尝试提出针对这些风险的管理实施建议。 通常情况下,对于房地产管理风险的研究,主要从项目运营的各个阶段入手,而本文的风险管理研究,则是针对景瑞作为一家二级管控模式的集团化企业,在集团管控和项目运营的配合中所存在的盲点和风险点进行研究,并给出针对可行的改善性建议,限于研究样本的单一性,其结论并不具有推广到所有的房地产企业的普遍意义。这一部分内容尚有待在今后的继续研究中进一步深化。但对于处于类似的市场环境和宏观经济环境的房地产企业,结合自身条件,可参考借鉴本文的部分结论和建议。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry in China started in the late 80s of last century. In the past three decades, the development of China's real estate industry has experienced a series of preferential economic policies in the country to promote housing market, and also experienced 97 Asian financial turmoil. In the 08 year, the United States subprime crisis spread all over the world, and has experienced several rounds of macro regulation and control represented by the "country eight". Housing prices have been rising too fast, falling and falling, rising and falling, and gradually becoming mature.
With the dense distribution of large size real estate enterprises, the market is getting full and the competition is hot, more and more real estate enterprises have chosen to enter the three line city, and the real estate development of the three line city is the new development and growth point of the enterprise.
As a professional real estate development company, which has been established for twenty years, Jing Rui specializes in the development of commodity housing and has accumulated rich experience. It has formed a set of more complete operating system and control model for.2005 years. Jing Rui carried out the first round of strategic planning since its establishment, and made clear that Jing Rui became the whole country. The business objectives of the sexual housing developers are located in the two or three line city. The Yangtze River Delta region is undoubtedly the most developed, competitive and dynamic area in China. The Yangtze River Delta has also become a priority for Jing Rui.
In Jing Rui, the daily operating behavior is based on the group management and control - the two level management and control mode of the item company operation. However, the complexity of the situation and the difference in the market of the project bring a variety of changes to the strategy implementation of Jing Rui, which constantly tests the wisdom and courage of the operators.
The author, starting with the current market environment of Jing Rui, has pointed out the great risks in the management strategy of Jing Rui and the strategic implementation of the two level management and control mode in the three line urban project development of the Yangtze River Delta, and points out the great risks in the strategy implementation under the two level management and control mode. The author further dissects the causes and possible consequences of risk formation. Finally, the author tries to put forward some suggestions on the management of these risks in view of the types of risk.
Generally, the research on the risk of real estate management is mainly from the various stages of the project operation, and the research of risk management in this paper is aimed at the research on the blind spot and risk point of the group management and project operation in the group management and project operation. The improvement proposal is limited to the singleness of the study sample, and its conclusion does not have the universal significance of extending to all real estate enterprises. This part is still to be further deepened in the future research. But for real estate enterprises in a similar market environment and macroeconomic environment, they can be referred to their own conditions. Some conclusions and suggestions are used for reference.


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