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发布时间:2018-06-14 01:08

  本文选题:ABB + 开关插座 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着中国经济社会的不断发展和人们物质生活水平的提高,消费者需求呈现多层次、多样化和个性化特点。满足客户不同层次的需求,向消费者提供质量更优的产品是企业在激烈的市场竞争中保持持续竞争优势的关键,这就需要企业以客户需求为导向,结合市场环境和自身能力制定出适合企业的营销战略。ABB公司作为一家世界500强企业,开关插座是低压业务单元的其中一个产品,自1994年起开始进入中国市场。目前,低压业务单元已在中国设立4家生产型企业、4个物流中心、15个服务中心以及41家服务工作站,销售业务覆盖全国近270个城市。虽然ABB开关插座产品具有先进技术方案,优良的品质,但是ABB开关插座在中国的市场占有率一直较低。 为找出ABB开关插座市场竞争力不强的深层次原因,本文拟运用营销战略的理论和市场营销的分析方法,在对ABB开关插座产品市场竞争环境和市场地位进行分析的基础上,结合开关插座行业的宏观环境和行业环境,制定出适合ABB开关插座产品的营销战略。从开关插座行业的宏观环境和行业环境看,一方面,随着社会经济发展和城镇化的不断推进,开关插座的市场需求量也将不断增加,具有较好的市场前景;另一方面,开关插座行业的市场准入门槛较低,且市场集中度低,竞争较为激烈。通过SWOT分析可以看出,ABB开关插座在自身的品牌建立、技术、销售网络和管理方面都有较大优势,但存在的主要问题是产品价格较高、市场销售灵活性较差,并且ABB开关插座知名度相对较低;从外部环境看,社会经济增长和中国房地产市场的平稳发展、国内客户对国际品牌的认可、国家对产品安全要求逐步提高以及节能开关插座需求的不断增加都为ABB开关插座提高市场占有率提供了机会,但同时随着国内其它开关插座企业的发展以及品牌竞争日趋激烈,也对ABB开关插座拓展市场带来了一定的威胁。 综上,ABB开关插座应在充分抓住外部机遇的同时,合理利用自身优势,采取SO策略。通过市场细分,ABB开关插座应确立以下五个主要目标市场:即-类消费城市的住宅、一类消费城市的高端写字楼、全国主要房地产商、连锁酒店和超市、机场、火车站等大型基础设施。针对不同的目标市场应分别实施不同的组合营销策略,包括产品策略、价格策略、分销策略等。通过这些组合营销策略的实施,有效在近期提高ABB开关插座的销售业绩。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of Chinese economy and society and the improvement of people's material living standard, consumer demand presents multi-level, diversified and individualized characteristics. To meet the needs of customers at different levels and to provide consumers with better quality products is the key for enterprises to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the fierce market competition, which requires enterprises to be customer-oriented. According to the market environment and its own ability, ABB Company is one of the top 500 enterprises in the world. The switch and socket is one of the products of the low voltage business unit, which has entered the Chinese market since 1994. At present, low voltage business units have set up 4 production enterprises, 4 logistics centers, 15 service centers and 41 service workstations in China. Although ABB switch and socket products have advanced technology, excellent quality, but ABB switch socket market share in China has been low. In order to find out the deep reasons why ABB switch and socket market competitiveness is not strong, this paper intends to use the theory of marketing strategy and the marketing analysis method, on the basis of analyzing the market competition environment and market position of ABB switch and socket products. Combining with the macro environment and industry environment of switch and socket industry, the marketing strategy suitable for ABB switch and socket products is worked out. From the macro environment and industry environment of switch and socket industry, on the one hand, with the continuous development of social economy and urbanization, the market demand of switch socket will also increase continuously, which has a better market prospect; on the other hand, Switch-socket industry market entry threshold is low, and the market concentration is low, the competition is more intense. Through SWOT analysis, we can see that ABB switch and socket have great advantages in brand building, technology, sales network and management, but the main problems are the high price of products and the poor flexibility of market sales. And ABB switch and socket relatively low visibility; from the external environment, social and economic growth and the smooth development of China's real estate market, domestic customers to the international brand recognition, The gradual improvement of national product safety requirements and the increasing demand for energy-saving switches and sockets provide an opportunity for ABB to increase its market share. However, with the development of other switch and socket enterprises in China and the increasingly fierce brand competition, Also to ABB switch socket to expand the market to bring certain threat. ABB switches and sockets should make full use of their own advantages and adopt so strategy while fully seizing the external opportunities. Through market subdivision ABB switch and socket should establish the following five main target markets: housing in a class of consumer cities, high-end office buildings in a class of consumer cities, major real estate developers in the country, chain hotels and supermarkets, airports, Train station and other large infrastructure. Different combination marketing strategies should be implemented for different target markets, including product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and so on. Through the implementation of these combined marketing strategies, ABB switch and socket sales effectively improved in the near future.


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