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发布时间:2018-06-14 15:52

  本文选题:YJL公司 + 员工满意度 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济社会和房地产行业的快速发展,人力资本逐渐彰显其重要性,成为了现代企业竞争的重要方面。对房地产企业而言,人才流动频繁、人才短缺的问题日益严重,并极大地影响到了企业的健康持续发展。作为一个中小型房地产企业,YJL公司也存在着员工归属感不强、离职较多的人才发展困境。员工满意度的情况,不但直接关系到企业生产效率和经济效益,而且能反映企业人力资源及组织管理中存在的问题,帮助企业进行自我诊断。如果企业想盘活人才资源、充分发挥人才作用,塑造人力资源核心竞争力,就需要提高员工满意度,不断强化员工对企业的归属感和凝聚力。因此,如何提高员工的满意度也就成为公司管理者思考的课题。 本文学习反思了国内外学者对员工满意度研究的相关结论,结合影响满意度的激励理论,对具有代表性的YJL房地产公司进行满意度调查。采用以问卷调查为主、访谈为辅的调查方法,重点从工作本身、工作关系、管理机制、工作回报等维度以及性别、年龄、受教育程度、工作年限、职位层级等方面的个体特征因素进行调查分析,了解公司当前的员工满意度现状,辨别影响该公司员工满意度的主要因素,分析个体变量与满意度维度之间产生差异的原因,查找该公司在人力资源管理方面存在的不足及原因。结合房地产行业特性,对如何加强员工满意度建设、减少员工流失,有针对性地提出了改进建议,指出可以从提高薪酬福利的吸引力、增强支付薪酬福利的艺术性、提高员工培训的公平性及构建开放的沟通体系等几个方面提高公司员工满意度和工作积极性,增强企业的竞争力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, society and real estate industry, human capital gradually shows its importance and becomes an important aspect of modern enterprise competition. To the real estate enterprise, the talented person flows frequently, the talented person shortage problem is increasingly serious, and has greatly affected the enterprise healthy and sustainable development. As a small and medium-sized real estate company, YJL company also has a weak sense of belonging, leaving more talent development dilemma. The situation of employee satisfaction is not only directly related to the production efficiency and economic benefit, but also reflects the problems existing in the enterprise human resources and organization management, and helps the enterprise to diagnose itself. If the enterprise wants to activate the human resources, give full play to the role of talents, and shape the core competitiveness of human resources, it is necessary to improve employee satisfaction, and constantly strengthen the sense of belonging and cohesion of employees to the enterprise. Therefore, how to improve the satisfaction of employees has become a topic for managers to think about. This paper studies and reflects on the relevant conclusions of domestic and foreign scholars' research on employee satisfaction, and combines the incentive theory that affects satisfaction, to investigate the satisfaction of representative YJL real estate company. Using the questionnaire survey method supplemented by interviews, focusing on the dimensions of work itself, work relationship, management mechanism, work reward, gender, age, education level, working years, etc. In order to understand the current situation of employee satisfaction, identify the main factors that affect the employee satisfaction, analyze the reasons for the difference between individual variables and satisfaction dimensions. To find out the company in human resources management deficiencies and reasons. According to the characteristics of real estate industry, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to strengthen the construction of employee satisfaction and reduce staff turnover, and points out that it can improve the attractiveness of salary and welfare and enhance the artistry of paying compensation and welfare. Improve the fairness of staff training and build an open communication system to improve employee satisfaction and work enthusiasm, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.


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