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发布时间:2018-06-15 07:29

  本文选题:城镇化 + 房地产市场 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Urbanization is a long and complicated process in which the social productive forces develop to a certain stage and the population and production factors gather from the countryside to the cities. Urbanization has become the inevitable trend of social development, its concrete performance is: the concentration of urban population, the increase of the number of cities and towns, the expansion of scale, etc. Under the background of the rapid development of urbanization in China, the real estate industry of our country has also got rapid development, but there are also some problems at the same time. For example, the city entrance too fast growth, housing prices are too high, urban infrastructure is weak, and so on. It is meaningful to study the relationship between urbanization and real estate development at the present stage, and how to achieve profit and avoid harm, which makes it meaningful to study the relationship between urbanization and real estate development at the present stage. The rapid development of urbanization provides a huge space for the development of the real estate market, and the real estate also provides the material basis and various guarantees for the development of urbanization. Urbanization and the development of real estate market are two closely related processes, they complement each other and promote each other. Starting from the basic concept of urbanization and real estate market, this paper makes a theoretical analysis of the interaction between the two, then takes Yangzhou as an example, taking the current level of urbanization and the development of real estate market in Yangzhou as the background. The correlation between urbanization level and urbanization in Yangzhou is analyzed empirically by selecting relevant indicators and collecting relevant data. In this paper, the urbanization rate is used to reflect the development level of urbanization. The indexes reflecting the development level of real estate market include the investment amount of real estate development, the area of commercial housing sales and the selling price of commercial housing, and the per capita GDP of Yangzhou City, so as to reflect the level of economic development in Yangzhou City. The results show that the real estate development and per capita GDP have a long and stable relationship with the urbanization rate. At last, on the basis of the research, the paper points out the deficiency of the research and puts forward some relevant suggestions.


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