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发布时间:2018-06-15 21:46

  本文选题:金融发展 + 新型城镇化 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,辽宁省城镇化发展水平不断提高,一直处于全国领先水平。而当前新型城镇化已成为推动辽宁省经济发展的重要力量,如何支持新型城镇化发展,是继续走传统的以政府主导的土地城镇化带动人口城镇化道路,还是走真正的市场化道路,从政府外生驱动转变为内生驱动,实现土地城镇化与人口城镇化同步发展。在传统模式下,地方政府主要依靠土地出让金支持城镇化建设,而多年的实践证明了这种模式已不具备可持续性,政府应拓宽城镇化建设资金的融资渠道,提高地区金融发展程度。当前,辽宁省已经进入新型城镇化建设的关键时期,那么研究在城镇化发展过程中如何发挥金融的资源配置作用以及研究城镇化发展过程中的资金需求及相应的政策建议有着很重要的现实意义与实用价值。本论文从理论与实证两个方面分析金融发展对新型城镇化建设的作用。 理论方面,论文首先对有关金融发展理论和城镇化发展理论进行简要的评述,在此基础上进一步研究金融发展对城镇化建设的作用。金融发展与城镇化之间存在着相互影响和相互制约的关系,金融体系对城镇化建设的作用机制主要体现在两个方面:一是为城市基础设施建设、房地产开发、产业调整等提供资金支持,从而扩大城镇规模,增加就业;二是为农业现代化、农业产业化发展提供资金支持。然后在理论分析的基础上对辽宁省金融发展与城镇建设的现状进行分析,辽宁省已经基本形成了以商业银行为主、多种金融中介机构并存的金融体系,这种金融体系也极大的促进了辽宁省债券市场、同业拆借市场、票据市场的发展,进一步满足了经济增长对金融多方位的需求。但是在发展过程中存在着区域金融发展不平衡、金融发展滞后等问题。城镇化水平总体水平较高但差异化明显,农村建设支持力度依然不够。实证研究方面,论文基于多变量VAR模型和向量误差修正(VEC)模型,选取金融相关率、金融机构贡献率、金融效率作为自变量,运用单位根检验、Granger因果检验及协整检验,利用1992-2011年的时间序列数据,对辽宁省金融发展对新型城镇化建设的作用进行实证研究。实证结果表明:辽宁省金融发展与城镇化建设之间存在着一定的正相关关系,体现了金融发展对城镇化建设的促进作用,而且在长期内都是同向发展变化的。金融发展的三大要素对城镇化的影响各不相同,金融效率对城镇化进程中产业结构调整的促进作用要显著高于金融相关率和金融机构贡献率;金融机构贡献率对城镇化进程中人口城镇化率的影响效应要明显高于其他两个金融要素。 最后,论文基于前面的理论分析与实证检验结果,认为金融支持辽宁省新型城镇化建设应在以下三个基本方面取得重大突破:一是金融支持农民向城镇居民生产生活方式的转变,包括提高服务业比重,促进交通运输、文化教育、邮电通讯、商贸物流等第三产业发展;二是金融支持城镇化建设与经济发展,包括创新新企业的投融资模式,发展新兴产业和特色经济,为城镇化基础设施建设与中小企业发展提供资金;三是金融支持农业产业化发展,通过调节信贷投向和政策支持,引导农业部门进行产业结构调整与升级,促进农业向非农业转换。为此,提出应当完善金融组织体系,提高金融服务质量;优化产业结构升级,推动产业城市化进程;加大人口转换的金融支持,推动人口城市化进程;优化小城镇建设中的资源配置;引导民间资本参与,走向市场化投融资。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the development level of urbanization in Liaoning has been continuously improved and has been in the leading level in the country. However, the current new urbanization has become an important force to promote the economic development of Liaoning province. How to support the development of the new urbanization is to continue to take the traditional government led soil urbanization to drive the population urbanization road, or to go true In the traditional mode, the local government mainly relies on the land transfer fund to support the urbanization construction. In the traditional mode, the local government relies mainly on the land transfer fund to support the urbanization construction, and the practice of many years has proved that this model has not been sustainable and the government should broaden the capital of urbanization construction. At present, Liaoning province has entered the key period of the new urbanization construction, so it is of great practical significance to study how to play the role of financial resources allocation in the process of urbanization and to study the demand of funds and the corresponding policy suggestions in the process of urbanization. Practical value. This paper analyzes the role of financial development in new urbanization from two aspects: Theory and empirical analysis.
In theory, the thesis begins with a brief review of the theory of financial development and the theory of urbanization development. On this basis, it further studies the role of financial development in urbanization construction. There is a relationship between mutual influence and mutual restriction between financial development and urbanization, and the main body of action mechanism of Jin Rong system to urbanization construction. Now two aspects: one is to provide capital support for urban infrastructure construction, real estate development, industrial adjustment and so on, so as to expand the scale of cities and towns and increase employment; the two is to provide financial support for agricultural modernization and agricultural industrialization development. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the current situation of Liaoning's financial development and urban construction is carried out on the basis of theoretical analysis. Analysis, Liaoning has basically formed a financial system based on commercial banks and a variety of financial intermediaries. This financial system has also greatly promoted the bond market in Liaoning Province, the interbank lending market, the development of the bill market, and further meet the multi orientation demand of economic growth to gold. However, there is a need for the economic growth in the process of development. The regional financial development is unbalanced and the financial development is lagging behind. The overall level of urbanization is high but the difference is obvious. The support of rural construction is still not enough. In the empirical study, the thesis is based on the multivariable VAR model and the vector error correction (VEC) model, selecting the financial phase rate, the contribution rate of the financial institutions and the financial efficiency as the independent variable. Using the unit root test, Granger causality test and cointegration test, this paper makes an empirical study on the role of Liaoning financial development on the new urbanization construction by using the time series data of 1992-2011 years. The empirical results show that there is a positive correlation between the financial development and the urbanization construction in Liaoning Province, which embodies the financial development. The promotion role of urbanization construction has been changed in the same direction in the long run. The three elements of financial development have different effects on urbanization. The role of financial efficiency in the adjustment of industrial structure in the process of urbanization should be significantly higher than the financial correlation rate and the contribution rate of financial institutions; the contribution rate of financial institutions to urbanization. The impact of urbanization rate in the process is obviously higher than the other two financial factors.
Finally, based on the previous theoretical analysis and empirical test results, the paper holds that the financial support for the new urbanization construction of Liaoning province should make major breakthroughs in the following three basic aspects: first, the financial support for the transformation of farmers to the urban residents' production and life style, including the increase in the proportion of service industry, the promotion of transportation, culture and education, and the post and telecommunications. News, trade logistics and other three industries development; two is financial support for the construction of urbanization and economic development, including the investment and financing model of new enterprises, developing new industries and characteristic economy, providing funds for the construction of urban infrastructure and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; three, financial support for the development of agricultural industrialization, by regulating credit investment and administration. Policy support, guide the agricultural sector to adjust and upgrade the industrial structure, promote the transformation of agriculture to non agriculture. Therefore, it is proposed that the financial organization system should be perfected, the quality of financial services should be improved, the upgrading of the industrial structure, the process of industrial urbanization, the financial support of the population transformation, the process of urbanization and the optimization of the small towns. The allocation of resources in the construction; the participation of private capital; and the marketization of investment and financing.


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