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发布时间:2018-06-15 23:36

  本文选题:厦门 + 中等收入群体 ; 参考:《集美大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中等收入群体是城市经济社会发展的最重要、最稳定的阶层,他们的存在对社会的稳定繁荣、城市经济的快速发展,起到了至关重要的作用。近年来,厦门房地产业发展较快,房价过高、涨幅过快,已远远超出了普通老百姓的实际购买力。虽然政府不断加强房地产市场的宏观调控,加大保障性住房的规划与建设,但在政策设计中,却忽视了中等收入群体的住房难问题。他们既买不起市场上的商品房,又享受不到保障性住房政策,被高房价挤出了市场,也被政府的住房保障体系排斥在外,成了名符其实的“夹心层”。 论文从马克思主义理论、社会学、经济学等多角度阐述住房保障理论,为解决中等收入群体住房难问题提供理论支撑。界定了中等收入群体的对象,包括新就业职工、新引进人才、外来务工人员、有能力购买保障性商品房或限价房,,但由于申购标准的限制而被挤入商品房市场的部分群体,以及本来有能力购买商品房但随着房价的非理性上涨而被挤出市场的部分群体。同时,用五分组法和恩格尔系数法划分了厦门市中等收入群体的可支配收入范围,界定厦门市中等收入家庭年收入的划分标准为9—15万元,且每年呈现增长的趋势。 论文通过调查问卷等方式,了解厦门市中等收入群体的住房情况、住房满意度、住房需求情况。分析了中等收入群体住房难的症结为:厦门房价收入比高,购房压力大;住房保障体系不完善、保障力度不够;公积金的“马太效应”削弱了住房保障的作用;城市岛内外发展的不平衡造成中等收入群体租购房困难。 国内外典型城市在解决中等收入群体住房难问题上,已进行了一定的探索。美国住房商品化、德国住宅储蓄政策、日本的住宅立法、新加坡公共组屋制度、香港地区的公屋政策、重庆和杭州的公租房、限价房政策都值得厦门借鉴与学习。厦门应借鉴经验、结合实际,探索出一条适合厦门解决中等收入群体住房难问题的道路。解决厦门市中等收入群体住房问题,应充分发挥政府主体作用,完善住房保障立法和住房规划;形成保障性住房的定价听证制度;发展限价房、公共租赁房、共有产权房,来解决中等收入群体住房问题;加强保障性住房的配套工作;完善住房需求体系和住房金融制度;政府积极创新住房保障工作,组建公司融资平台,提高住房保障管理水平。
[Abstract]:Middle-income group is the most important and stable stratum in the development of urban economy and society. Their existence plays a vital role in the social stability and prosperity and the rapid development of urban economy. In recent years, Xiamen real estate industry develops rapidly, the house price is too high, the increase is too fast, has far exceeded the ordinary people's real purchasing power. Although the government has constantly strengthened the macro-control of the real estate market and increased the planning and construction of affordable housing, in the policy design, it has neglected the housing difficulties of the middle-income group. They can not afford the commercial housing in the market, nor can they enjoy the indemnificatory housing policy. They have been squeezed out of the market by the high housing prices and excluded by the housing security system of the government, so they have become the "sandwich layer" worthy of the name. This paper expounds the housing security theory from Marxist theory, sociology, economics and so on, which provides theoretical support for solving the housing problem of middle income group. Defining the target groups of middle-income groups, including newly employed workers, newly imported talents, migrant workers, those who have the ability to purchase affordable commercial housing or limited price housing, but have been squeezed into the commercial housing market because of the restrictions on requisition criteria, And those who were able to buy commercial housing but were squeezed out of the market as prices rose irrationally. At the same time, the disposable income range of middle income group in Xiamen is divided by using five groups method and Engel coefficient method. The standard of dividing income of middle income families in Xiamen is 9 to 150 thousand yuan, and it shows an increasing trend every year. In this paper, we investigate the housing situation, housing satisfaction and housing demand of the middle income group in Xiamen by means of questionnaire. This paper analyzes the crux of housing difficulties of middle income groups: Xiamen has a high housing price income ratio, high house purchase pressure, imperfect housing security system and insufficient protection strength, and the Matthew effect of provident fund weakens the role of housing security. The imbalance of the development inside and outside the city island causes the middle-income group to rent and purchase the house difficult. The typical cities at home and abroad have made some exploration to solve the housing problem of middle-income groups. Housing commercialization in the United States, housing saving policy in Germany, housing legislation in Japan, public housing system in Singapore, public housing policy in Hong Kong, public rental housing in Chongqing and Hangzhou, and price-limited housing policy are all worth learning from Xiamen. Xiamen should draw lessons from experience and combine with reality to find a way suitable for Xiamen to solve the housing problem of middle income group. To solve the housing problem of middle income group in Xiamen, we should give full play to the main role of the government, perfect the housing security legislation and housing planning, form the pricing hearing system of the indemnificatory housing, develop the limited price house, public rental house, common property right house, To solve the housing problem of middle-income group; strengthen the supporting work of affordable housing; improve the housing demand system and housing finance system; the government actively innovate housing security work, set up corporate financing platform, improve the level of housing security management.


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