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发布时间:2018-06-18 03:27

  本文选题:房地产 + 绩效管理体系 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着房地产企业集团化、规模化优势的凸显,跨区域多项目发展成为众多房地产战略的不二选择,这种基于战略突围、规模膨胀和加速布局的扩张动力,也带来了低唱行业洗牌的广度和深度,整个行业迅速步入战略重组、结构调整、竞争白炽的变局阶段,越来越多的房地产企业开始由早期的关注外部转向依靠自身内部管理来应对多变的环境。房地产企业之间的竞争归根结底是人力资源管理能力的竞争。同时,房地产业具有专业性强、风险大、投资额大、投资回收期长、工作关系复杂等特点。这些特点决定了房地产行业必须苦练内功,对外利用好房地产企业各方面的资源整合,对内利用好组织资源完成项目开发的高效率流程化作业,才能确保企业在行业中持续发展、壮大,在行业激励的竞争中取得良好的成绩。绩效管理体系建设是房地产企业开发高效率流程化作业的前提,它能使组织的目标与公司员工的目标保持高度的一致性,从而促进房地产企业的效率提升、业绩提升。因此,绩效管理体系的建设对房地产企业来说是一项非常重要的工作。 XX房地产公司是XX集团在成都设立的子公司,目前下辖三个项目公司,员工150多人,主要业绩来源于“桃源铭”项目。XX房地产公司“桃源铭”项目分三期同时进行开发,员工人数约80人,“桃源铭”项目三期在按项目节点计划进行开发的同时,“桃源铭”项目的内部管理却日益混乱,办事效率低,执行力差,制度不健全,流程混乱等等。项目的内部管理中绩效管理机制无激励约束作用是其中最重要的部分。诸多问题直接后果是公司股东不满意、员工满意度低下,公司目标达成率低,严重制约公司经营业绩的提高,影响公司战略目标的实现。在外部环境日益恶劣的情况下,公司发展陷入困境。要实现战目标,“桃源铭”项目必须改善内部管理,解决项目目标效率低下,内部流程混乱等问题,分析现有的绩效管理存在的问题,完善项目绩效管理体系,提高公司股东、员工满意度以及工作效率。 本文期望在对房地产行业深入了解的基础上,以行业内各房地产区域公司为大背景,运用绩效管理和项目管理相关理论,结合XX房地产公司“桃源铭”项目内部管理现状,对其绩效管理体系进行剖析。并借鉴行业知名大型房地产集团公司先进的绩效管理经验,以绩效管理体系的理论知识为基础,XX房地产公司“桃源铭”项目战略目标为导向,夯实项目的绩效管理体系,提升XX房地产公司“桃源铭”项目的内部管理能力,为实现公司总体战略目标打下牢固基础。
[Abstract]:With the agglomeration and scale advantages of real estate enterprises, cross-regional and multi-project development has become the choice of many real estate strategies, which is based on the expansion of strategic breakthrough, expansion of scale and accelerated layout. It also brought about the breadth and depth of shuffling in the low singing industry, and the entire industry quickly stepped into the stage of strategic restructuring, structural adjustment, and incandescent competition. More and more real estate companies begin to rely on their own internal management to cope with the changing environment. The competition among real estate enterprises is, in the final analysis, the competition of human resource management ability. At the same time, the real estate industry has the characteristics of strong specialization, high risk, large investment, long payback period and complicated working relationship. These characteristics determine that the real estate industry must work hard at home and abroad, make good use of the real estate enterprises in all aspects of the integration of resources, make good use of organizational resources to complete the high efficiency of project development process, Only in order to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises in the industry, strong in the industry incentives in the competition to achieve good results. The construction of performance management system is the premise for real estate enterprises to develop highly efficient process operations. It can make the objectives of the organization and the objectives of the employees to maintain a high degree of consistency, thereby promoting the efficiency of real estate enterprises and performance improvement. Therefore, the construction of a performance management system is a very important job for real estate enterprises. Xx Real Estate Company is a subsidiary of XX Group in Chengdu, which currently operates three project companies and employs more than 150 people. The main achievement comes from "Taoyuan Ming" project. Xx real estate company "Taoyuan Ming" project is developed in three phases, the number of employees is about 80, "Taoyuan Ming" project is developed according to the project node plan at the same time, However, the internal management of Taoyuan Ming Project is increasingly chaotic, low efficiency, poor execution, imperfect system, chaotic process and so on. The performance management mechanism is the most important part in the internal management of the project. Many problems directly result in dissatisfied shareholders, low employee satisfaction, low achievement rate of corporate goals, which seriously restrict the improvement of the company's business performance and affect the realization of the company's strategic objectives. Under the increasingly bad external environment, the development of the company is in trouble. In order to achieve the war goal, "Taoyuan Ming" project must improve the internal management, solve the problems such as the inefficiency of the project objective and the confusion of the internal process, analyze the existing problems of the performance management, perfect the project performance management system, and improve the shareholders of the company. Employee satisfaction and productivity. Based on a deep understanding of the real estate industry, this paper takes the real estate regional companies in the industry as the background, applies the theories of performance management and project management, and combines the current situation of the internal management of the "Taoyuan Ming" project in XX real estate company. The performance management system is analyzed. And draw lessons from the advanced performance management experience of the well-known large real estate group company of the industry, take the theory knowledge of the performance management system as the foundation, take the "Taoyuan Ming" project strategic goal of XX real estate company as the direction, consolidate the performance management system of the project. Improve XX real estate company "Taoyuan Ming" project internal management ability, for the realization of the company's overall strategic objectives lay a solid foundation.


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