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发布时间:2018-06-20 08:09

  本文选题:居住小区 + 给水管网 ; 参考:《沈阳建筑大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着房地产行业的兴起、发展、繁荣,居住小区大量涌现,作为必不可少的配套设施——居住小区给水管网,已经越来越受重视,其给水设计流量的确定是建筑给排水设计人员亟待解决的问题。居住小区设计流量的计算是居住小区管网水力计算的基础,是确定各管段管径、管道水头损失、给水系统压力的主要依据。管段的设计秒流量是确定给水管径和压力的依据,此流量的选择直接关系到最不利配水点的选取、水压的保证、水泵及基建设备的投资费用。只有管道流量设计合理,才能使整个给水系统正常运行。 针对居住小区给水管网设计秒流量,研究首先对居住小区的基本特征、给水状况进行了详细的阐述,随后对现行给水管道设计流量进行解读,并对居住小区设计流量计算公式进行了推导,最后引用工程算例,验证了公式的实用性。 居住小区一般由多幢独立的建筑物组成,其用水特点既不同于市政给水管网,也与室内给水管网有较大的差异。居住小区给水流量是处于市政给水流量和室内给水流量之间的过渡阶段。迄今为止,居住小区还没有统一的设计流量计算方法,如果按市政给水管道流量计算,计算结果可能偏小;如果采用室内给水管道流量计算,计算结果可能偏大,出现居住小区给水管网管径大于市政管网管径的不合理现象。完全按照实测统计的方法去推倒经验公式,其难度及工作量又相当大,目前设计采用“市政”“室内”两种计算值对比,选用其中最大值作为居住小区的设计流量,不但麻烦,其结果也不尽如人意。 以普通住宅为模型,用设计秒流量概率计算法及最大时平均秒流量计算法综合对其进行流量计算,并对其计算结果进行比较、分析。提出了利用两个公式计算结果的交点“0”也就是临界当量N’G作为判定点,判定居住小区给水管网流量计算式的取舍;同时在小于临界当量N’G时,利用曲线拟合出居住小区设计流量公式;给出临界点关于卫生器具给水当量平均出流概率U0及当量总数NG的曲线分布图;对研究结果的适用条件范围进行延展,使其更简单明了。 居住小区给水设计流量是介于最大时设计秒流量和平均时设计秒流量之间。针对不同类型的住宅,分别推导出了相应的设计秒流量计算公式,当住宅小区给水当量总数小于等于临界当量N’G时,用本文推导出的公式,当大于临界当量时,用最大时平均设计秒流量公式。其中,临界当量值与居住小区的人口、小时变化系数、日生活用水定额有关系,任何一个值的改变,临界当量就会随之改变。通过对不同住宅类型绘制的临界当量曲线图能更容易的选择居住小区设计秒流量的公式。
[Abstract]:With the rise, development and prosperity of the real estate industry, a large number of residential areas have emerged. As an indispensable supporting facility, water supply networks in residential areas have been paid more and more attention to. The determination of design flow of water supply is an urgent problem to be solved by designers of building water supply and sewerage. The calculation of design flow in residential area is the basis of hydraulic calculation of pipe network in residential district, and is the main basis for determining pipe diameter, head loss and pressure of water supply system. The design second flow of the pipe section is the basis for determining the diameter and pressure of the water supply pipe. The choice of this flow rate is directly related to the selection of the most unfavorable water distribution point, the guarantee of water pressure, and the investment cost of water pump and capital construction equipment. Only if the design of pipeline flow is reasonable, can the whole water supply system run normally. Based on the design of secondary flow of water supply network in residential area, the basic characteristics and water supply status of residential district are described in detail, and then the design flow of current water supply pipeline is interpreted. The formula for calculating the design flow of residential area is deduced, and the practicability of the formula is verified by an engineering example. The residential district is generally composed of many independent buildings, the characteristics of water use are not only different from the municipal water supply network, but also different from the indoor water supply network. Residential district water supply flow is a transitional stage between municipal water supply flow and indoor water supply flow. Up to now, there is no uniform design flow calculation method in residential area. If the calculation is based on municipal water supply pipeline flow, the calculation result may be small; if the indoor water supply pipe flow calculation is adopted, the calculation result may be too large. The unreasonable phenomenon that the pipe diameter of water supply network in residential district is larger than that of municipal pipe network. The difficulty and workload of pushing down the empirical formula in accordance with the method of actual measurement statistics is quite great. At present, it is not only troublesome to use the maximum value of the "municipal" indoor "calculation value as the design flow rate of the residential district, but also to compare the two calculation values of" municipal "and" indoor ". The results are not satisfactory. Taking ordinary residence as the model, the calculation method of the probability of design second flow and the method of calculating maximum average second flow are used to calculate the flow comprehensively, and the calculation results are compared and analyzed. Using the intersection point "0" of the results of the two formulas, that is, the critical equivalent NG, as the judgment point, this paper proposes to determine the choice of the formula for calculating the flow of water supply network in residential area, and at the same time, when the value is less than the critical equivalent NG, Using the curve to fit the design flow formula of residential area, to give the curve distribution map of critical point about the average discharge probability U0 and the equivalent total number NG of the sanitary appliance feed water equivalent, and to extend the applicable condition range of the research result. Make it simpler and clearer. The design flow rate of residential district water supply is between the maximum design second flow and the average time design second flow. For different types of residential buildings, the corresponding design second flow calculation formulas are derived. When the total feed water equivalent of residential area is less than or equal to the critical equivalent NG, the formula derived in this paper is used when it is greater than the critical equivalent. The second flow formula is designed with maximum average time. Among them, the critical time value is related to the population, the hourly change coefficient and the daily water consumption quota of the residential area, and the critical equivalent will change with the change of any value. By drawing the critical equivalent curve of different residential types, it is easier to select the formula of design second flow of residential area.


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