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发布时间:2018-06-21 13:46

  本文选题:住房支付能力 + 保障性住房 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“十一五”期间,武汉市房地产业保持较快发展,居民居住条件不断改善,但住房供需结构不合理、房价的快速增长、居民贫富差距的扩大等因素也制约了住房市场的健康稳定发展。 本文研究了武汉市城镇居民家庭住房支付能力,并测算出各收入阶层的住房标准。首先,介绍了住房支付能力的定义和测算方法。其次,分析了武汉市住房市场供给与需求情况和存在的问题。然后,采用静态房价收入比法、剩余收入法和住房支付能力的不匹配程度法,定量衡量了2011年武汉市各收入阶层城镇居民家庭对商品住房的支付能力,反映出低收入阶层和高收入阶层城镇居民家庭的住房支付能力存在巨大差距,并量化了市场上商品住房的结构供给缺口。同时,采用静态房价收入比法、动态房价收入比法和剩余收入法,以90平方米的商品住房为例,对2006年—2011年武汉市各收入阶层城镇居民家庭的住房支付能力进行测算和分析,找出各收入阶层家庭住房支付能力变化的原因,界定了急需政府提供住房保障的人群。并且运用静态房价收入比和剩余收入法,衡量了中低收入户对保障性住房的支付能力,定量测算出经济适用住房平均单价最高不得超过3528.12元,合理的住房面积标准范围为[52.37,62.82]平方米,若逐步提高家庭人均月可支配收入标准至900元左右,就能够将更多的低收入户纳入到保障范围中来;按照“先缴后补”的明补方式,低收入户、中等偏下收入户、中等收入户和住房困难标准家庭对公共租赁房支付的最高月租金额分别为26.28元/平方米、39.45元/平方米、39.28元/平方米、39.87元/平方米;中心城区的低保标准应达到470元以上,廉租住房的租金补贴标准必须达到人均每月23元/平方米以上。最后提出提高城镇居民住房支付能力的途径有:调整住房供应结构;采取措施稳定住房市场价格;控制高收入家庭收入,增加中低收入家庭收入;加大金融机构对居民家庭住房购买的支持力度。 本文从宏观和微观、供给和需求等多角度对武汉市各收入阶层城镇居民家庭的住房支付能力进行分析,有助于全面了解现阶段他们的住房情况,为政府制定多层次住房体系和完善住房政策(尤其是保障性住房政策)、房地产企业投资决策和城镇居民家庭合理的住宅梯度消费提供参考。
[Abstract]:During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, the real estate industry in Wuhan has maintained a relatively rapid development, and the living conditions of residents have been continuously improved, but the structure of housing supply and demand is unreasonable, and housing prices are increasing rapidly. The widening gap between the rich and the poor also restricts the healthy and stable development of the housing market. This paper studies the housing affordability of urban residents in Wuhan, and calculates the housing standards of each income class. First of all, it introduces the definition and measurement method of housing ability to pay. Secondly, it analyzes the supply and demand of Wuhan housing market and the existing problems. Then, by using the static house price income ratio method, the residual income method and the mismatch degree method of housing payment ability, the paper quantitatively measures the ability of urban households of different income groups to pay for commodity housing in Wuhan in 2011. It reflects that there is a huge gap in housing affordability between low-income and high-income urban households, and quantifies the structural supply gap of commodity housing in the market. At the same time, by using static house price income ratio method, dynamic house price income ratio method and surplus income method, taking 90 square meters of commodity housing as an example, this paper calculates and analyzes the housing affordability of urban residents of different income classes in Wuhan from 2006 to 2011. To find out the reasons for the change of housing affordability of families at different income levels, and define the people in urgent need of government housing security. And by using the static housing price income ratio and surplus income method, the paper measures the ability of middle and low income households to pay for affordable housing, and calculates quantitatively that the highest average unit price of affordable housing must not exceed 3528.12 yuan. The reasonable standard range of housing area is [52.37 / 62.82] square meters. If the monthly disposable income standard of households is gradually raised to about 900 yuan, more low-income households will be able to be included in the scope of security. The maximum monthly rent paid by low-income households, middle income households and housing standard families for public rental housing is 26.28 yuan / square meter 39.45 yuan / square meter and 39.28 yuan / square meter / square meter respectively; The minimum living standard of the central urban area should reach 470 yuan or more, and the rent subsidy standard of low rent housing must reach 23 yuan / square meter per month per person. Finally, the ways to improve the housing affordability of urban residents are as follows: adjusting the housing supply structure, taking measures to stabilize the housing market price, controlling the income of high-income families and increasing the income of low- and middle-income families; Increase financial institutions to the purchase of household housing support. This paper analyzes the housing affordability of urban residents of different income classes in Wuhan from macro and micro perspectives, supply and demand, which is helpful to understand their housing situation at the present stage. It provides a reference for the government to formulate multi-level housing system and perfect housing policy (especially the indemnificatory housing policy), the investment decision of real estate enterprises and the reasonable residential gradient consumption of urban households.


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