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发布时间:2018-06-21 14:05

  本文选题:效益审计 + 房地产企业 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since China's market-oriented economic reform and opening up, China has vigorously developed the market-oriented economy, in which the real estate industry has also developed under the big situation. Now it has become an important role of our country's economic construction army. The management mechanism of the real estate enterprise has also adapted to the development tide of the market economy and gets rid of the past pursuit. High profit management concept, more and more attention to the economic benefits of enterprises, and in many real estate enterprises have entered the market, the completion of the stock system reform, attracting a large amount of investment in the society, not only the real estate enterprises themselves pay attention to the economic benefits, investors are also very close to the real estate enterprises how to make full use of these resources. Note. The traditional financial audit has not been able to meet the needs of the people. In view of this demand, the benefit audit can meet the needs of the investors and enterprises. The benefit audit can evaluate whether the real estate enterprises can effectively achieve the established work goals. At the same time, the government, enterprises and the masses also pay more and more attention to and emphasize the economic efficiency. In the face of the change in the big direction of audit, the transformation of audit in the real estate industry has become a new trend and direction. The development of the benefit audit is also a kind of reform for the audit industry, the audit method of the benefit audit, the audit scope and the audit content are different from the traditional financial audit, and the benefit audit will also promote the audit. The reform and development of the social supervision mechanism make the social supervision mechanism of our country more diversified. From the micro level, this article can help people to improve the understanding of the benefit audit of the real estate enterprises. Both the investors and the enterprise managers can improve their degree of attention and understanding of the benefit audit, thus improving the efficiency audit. The efficiency of the use of resources and the improvement of the corporate governance of the real estate enterprises have played a promoting role. From the macro level, most of the research on the benefit audit in our country is still in theory, and more of the benefit audit practice is aimed at the overall economy of our country, but it can be aimed at the practical audit practice of the real estate industry. However, there are few related research. Therefore, it is necessary to study the benefit audit of real estate in both micro and macro aspects. This paper mainly uses the method of combining theory and case study, starting from the perspective of internal audit of the economic benefit audit of SY real estate enterprises, and looking for the problems according to the problems found. This article mainly contains six parts, the first part is the introduction. This part studies a large number of relevant research literature on benefit audit at home and abroad, and this part carries out a literature summary from three aspects of benefit audit theory, benefit audit concept and benefit audit method. The second part is the theoretical overview of the benefit audit of SY real estate enterprises. It mainly expounds the meaning and characteristics of the benefit audit of the real estate enterprises, the components of the performance audit system of the real estate enterprises, the factors affecting the benefit audit of the real estate enterprises; the third part is the basic situation and the existence of the benefit audit of the SY real estate enterprise project. The main problem is to introduce the overall situation of the Diana Bay project and the basic situation of the project benefit audit. It is pointed out that the scope of the project benefit audit is not appropriate, the quality of the auditors can not meet the needs of the audit, the audit index is unscientific and the final result of the benefit audit fails to play the four aspects of the actual effect. The fourth part is the analysis of the reasons for the benefit audit of the SY real estate enterprise project. The reasons of the benefit audit are divided into four aspects: the efficiency audit system is not perfect, the efficiency auditor's ability is not strong enough, the square method used in the process of the benefit audit needs to be improved and the SY real estate enterprise can audit the benefit audit. The fifth part is the improvement countermeasure of the SY real estate enterprise project benefit audit. It puts forward the suggestions of improving the efficiency audit environment, establishing the effective benefit audit organization department, improving the efficiency audit index system and establishing the benefit audit supervision and evaluation mechanism, so that the SY real estate enterprises can do a good job audit from the root source. The basic work of the construction is to further improve the efficiency audit system, make the benefit audit play a role in the SY real estate enterprise and help the SY real estate enterprises to improve the economic benefit. The sixth part is the conclusion. The overall writing of the full text is summarized and the prospect of the research of the real estate industry efficiency audit is expected. This article hopes to aim at the SY room. The relevant discussion on the benefit audit of the real estate enterprises can be used for reference and reference for the development of other real estate enterprises. At the same time, this paper tries to discuss the benefit audit of the real estate industry in the form of the case, and combine the national conditions and the development of the socialist economy. Some deepening and summary are expected to play a positive and perfect role in the development of China's enterprise benefit audit, and can provide some reference value for the subsequent related research.


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