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发布时间:2018-06-22 06:06

  本文选题:不动产登记 + 房产信息管理 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年下半年以来,频发的“房叔”、“房婶”事件和一些地方随之出台的房产信息查询规范,使得房产信息管理成为公众关注的焦点。当前我们国家的房产信息管理体系不够完善,统计的数据完全低估了我国房产业市场的实际规模,且不同的部门公布的统计数据差别也很大。因此,要进行科学有效的调控就需要科学准确的数据支持,否则很难把握房地产业发展过快还是过慢,住房价格过高还是过低。而且,对于个人来说,规范的房产信息也有助于其判断未来房价的走势做出正确的购房决定。规范房产信息的管理,提供准确的行业数据,正是科学决策的前提。本文就房产信息管理制度的相关问题进行了研究。全文共分为四个部分。 第一部分阐述了房产信息管理制度的一般理论。为了更好的了解什么是房产信息管理制度,首先介绍了房产信息的定义,房产信息主要是指与房产有关的记载信息。房产信息包括广义的房产信息和狭义的房产信息,本文所述的房产信息是指广义的房产信息。随后的一部分阐述了房产信息管理的必要性,目前无论是国家进行的房地产调控、保障房建设、还是最近呼声很高的“以房反腐”,这些都离不开规范的房产信息管理。 第二部分是对具体的房产信息管理制度进行阐述。具体的房产信息管理主要包括房产信息登记制度和房产信息查询制度,而房产信息登记制度又来源于不动产登记制度,因此这一部分先介绍了不动产登记的内容,然后介绍房产信息登记制度和房产信息查询制度。二者构成了房产信息管理制度的主要内容。 第三部分是对现有的房产信息管理制度的缺陷进行分析。根据我国房产信息管理的现状,具体分析出房产信息登记制度目前存在着法律法规欠统一性、登记类型和机构的设置不合理、登记效力的不明确等缺陷。房产信息查询制度目前存在着对查询范围的限制有误以及适用错误等缺陷。 第四部分是针对我国房产信息管理制度存在的缺陷,从多个角度提出完善性建议。制定统一的房产信息管理法、强化法律监督体系、实行严格的登记和查询机制等相关配套制度的辅助和配合,保障房产交易的稳定发展,提升国民的幸福感。
[Abstract]:Since the second half of 2012, the frequent incidents of "Uncle Fang", "Aunt of House" and the norms of inquiry of real estate information issued in some places have made the management of real estate information become the focus of public attention. At present, the real estate information management system of our country is not perfect, the statistical data completely underestimate the real scale of our country's housing industry market, and the statistical data published by different departments are also very different. Therefore, to carry out scientific and effective regulation and control, we need scientific and accurate data support, otherwise it is difficult to grasp whether the real estate industry develops too fast or too slowly, and housing prices are too high or too low. Moreover, for individuals, standardized property information also helps them to judge the future trend of house prices to make the right decision. Standardizing the management of real estate information and providing accurate industry data is the premise of scientific decision-making. This article has carried on the research to the real estate information management system related question. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part expounds the general theory of real estate information management system. In order to better understand what is the real estate information management system, first introduced the definition of real estate information, real estate information mainly refers to the recorded information related to real estate. The real estate information includes the generalized real estate information and the narrow real estate information. The real estate information in this paper refers to the generalized real estate information. The following part expounds the necessity of real estate information management, whether it is the real estate regulation or the construction of indemnificatory apartment, or the "anti-corruption of housing", which can not be separated from the standard management of real estate information. The second part is to elaborate the real estate information management system. The real estate information management mainly includes the real estate information registration system and the real estate information inquiry system, and the real estate information registration system comes from the real estate registration system, so this part first introduces the content of the real estate registration. Then introduce the real estate information registration system and the real estate information inquiry system. Both constitute the main content of real estate information management system. The third part is the analysis of the defects of the existing real estate information management system. According to the present situation of real estate information management in our country, this paper analyzes the defects of the registration system of real estate information, such as the lack of unity of laws and regulations, the unreasonable setting of registration types and institutions, and the unclear effectiveness of registration. At present, there are some defects in the property information inquiry system, such as the limitation of query scope and the application error. The fourth part is aimed at the defects of the real estate information management system in our country, and puts forward the perfect suggestions from many angles. It is necessary to establish a unified real estate information management law, strengthen the legal supervision system, implement strict registration and inquiry mechanism and other relevant supporting systems to assist and cooperate, to ensure the stable development of real estate transactions, and to enhance the happiness of the people.


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