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发布时间:2018-06-24 14:00

  本文选题:钢结构 + 住宅建筑 ; 参考:《青岛理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The industrialization of real estate is the mode of production, transportation, installation and scientific management of modern manufacturing to replace the decentralized, low level and inefficient manual production in traditional construction industry. It can produce stereotyped products by mechanized means like other industries. With the development of economy and the acceleration of population urbanization, our country lives In order to accelerate the transformation of the traditional housing industry, to realize the standardization, intensification and the comprehensive implementation of the housing industrialization has become an effective way to solve the housing problems in order to accelerate the transformation of the traditional housing industry, and the effective way to solve the housing problem [1]. steel structure housing is in line with the implementation of the housing in China. A form of industrial modernization is conducive to the progress of science and technology in the construction industry, the improvement of labor productivity, the improvement of the quality of the engineering and the development of the related industries. With the joint cooperation of policy, scientific research and market, the steel structure housing in China has been greatly developed. The steel structure housing is suitable for large batch production of factories. High degree of production, industrialization and commercialization can integrate design, production, construction and installation to improve the level of housing industrialization, so it has a good prospect in the housing market. In general, the steel structure house has not been popularized in our country. Although the steel production in China has been the first in the world in the last few years, the development of steel structure is relative to the world. In the developed countries, the steel structure has been the leading building structure, which is widely used in high-rise and super high-rise buildings, large span and large space buildings, commercial, community and other buildings, and the housing has been gradually popularized and applied in the developed countries. In recent years, China has been in the industrial building, large span structure mining. Steel structure is more common, but it is not well popularized in housing. This paper analyzes the characteristics, applications, difficulties and development prospects of steel structure and its housing, demonstrates the advantages of steel structure housing relative to other structural houses, popularize the necessity of steel structure housing and its production, and develop steel structure in our country in the future. The task and development direction of housing construction and its industrialization will be expounded.


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